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Holmer, P., Henry, B., Duong, J., Lawal, O.A., Filder-Benaoudia, M.M., Reynolds, K., Michel, G., Lehmann, V., Schulte, F.S.M. (2024). Fertility-Related Concerns in Long-Term Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Canadian Cohort Study. Current Oncology, 31(12):7603-7612.
Ospelt, M., Holmer, P., Tinner, E. M., Mader, L., Hendriks, M., Michel, G., Kälin, S., Roser, K. (2024) Insurance, legal, and financial hardships of childhood and adolescent cancer survivors - a systematic review. Journal of Cancer Survivorship.
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Bolliger, C., Holmer, P., Dehler, S., Roser, K., & Michel, G. (2023). Posttraumatic growth and illness perception in survivors of adolescent and young adult cancer. Discover Oncology, 14(1), 194.
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