Kathrin Mroß, Rieke Köpke, Prof. Dr. Timo Hennig, Rebecca Seggewiß, Lennart Buchholz (f.l.t.r.), Dr. Pauline Holmer (not present). Picture: Sandra Cava
The group "Psychology for Inclusive Education" is lead by Professsor Timo Hennig since April 2023. Research topics include difficulties of children and adolescents in the areas of learning, behavior, attention, and emotions as well as corresponding diagnostics and interventions. An important aim is to connect research and practice. The group is particularly interested in reasearching possibilities that help persons with attention disorders (ADHD) and their teachers.
The postbox for the professor can be found in House 24, main entrance/centre, left-hand of the stairwell (No. 2).
Latest news
As part of a project funded by the European Social Fund Plus, groups for university students with ADHD are offered since 2024.
Current article in the university magazine Portal (p.38-39):
Journalist Lucie Kluth spoke to researchers about ADHD for the science podcast ‘Synapsen’ on NDR Info. Professor Hennig from the University of Potsdam took part as well. You can listen to the podcast using the following link.