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Alumni get-togethers

You would like to meet your former fellow students at the University of Potsdam again and reminisce about the past together? Get in touch, we will support you with the planning!

Here you can find short reviews of past alumni get-togethers in Potsdam or abroad.

Alumni regular's table Zurich

Sechs Schweizer Alumni in der Marea Bar in Zürich.
Photo: Simon Beyer
Schweizer Alumni der Universität Potsdam beim ersten Stammtisch-Treffen in Zürich in der Marea Bar.

On July 6, 2022, the very first regulars' table for alumni of the University of Potsdam took place in Zurich on the initiative of Simon Beyer, himself a graduate of UP.

In the early evening, Simon Beyer welcomed five former students of the University of Potsdam in the Marea Bar for a cozy get-together, he reports: "We had a lot to talk about right away. Different years met each other so that the time was characterized by individual reports on experiences from the world of studies and work. Whether Google, Swisscom or EY, the participants are firmly in the business of well-known companies in Switzerland and thus provide a large impact based on the degrees earned at the University of Potsdam. What a success!"

We are happy that the first get-togehter of the alumni started so positively - the next regular's table is already planned for October and will be continued on a quarterly basis.

Exchange with alumni group "Sektion Sport"

Gruppe ehemaliger Studierender vor den Kollonaden
Photo: Wolfgang Brix
Ehemalige Studierende der Sektion Sport vor den Kollonaden.

On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, the former seminar group of the Sports Section met at the New Palace on June 15, 2022 to visit the premises such as the canteen, sports hall and the gymnastics and judo room and to reminisce. Wolfgang Brix reports that “this day was very eventful and informative for us. Both Mrs. Dr. Zimmermann as well as Mr. Andreas Philipp presented the new structures, methods and problems of physical education teacher training very vividly. Together with Mrs. Dr. Zimmermann, we were also able to look back on our past at the Pädagogische Hochschule and send video greetings to our former seminar supervisor, Dr. Hannelore Diessner. We would also like to thank Ralf Müller and Robert Fröhlich from the archive, who gave us the opportunity to inspect our personnel files.”

Alumni get-together of the former College of Education

Alumni posieren für ein Gruppenfoto vor Haus 9 am Neuen Palais
Photo: Sabeth Offergeld
Ehemalige Studierende der früheren Pädagogischen Hochschule vor Haus 9 am Neuen Palais.

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of their studies, alumni of the former "Karl Liebknecht" College of Education met on August 24th, 2021 at the Neuen Palais campus. On a tour of the campus, the students who began their studies in mathematics and physics here in 1961 reminisced. Ms. Sabine Rieder from the Innovative University project led the group of around 20 people through the historic buildings. In addition to the Audimax, the library in house 9 and the premises of the canteen were visited. The highlight of the tour was the visit to the newly opened European Center for Jewish Scholarship, which is located in the north gate building. Mr. Martin Kujawa, employee of the School of Jewish Theology there, proudly reported on the forward-looking course, which is training rabbis for the first time in Germany. He then led the group through the synagogue, which impressed the alumni with its simplicity and modernity. Finally, the former students took the opportunity to take a souvenir photo in front of the colonnades with their Trabis.
