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Graduation Ceremony

Am Ende der Verabschiedungsfeier gibt es für alle Absolventinnen und Absolventen ein fröhliches Gruppenfoto. Foto: Ernst Kaczynski
Photo: Karla Fritze

The time of study is an important, eventful and formative stage of life that will certainly not be forgotten. To ensure that this stage receives a worthy conclusion, the University of Potsdam invites its graduates to a central graduation ceremony every year with their families and friends.
The next central graduation ceremony will take place on June 26, 2026. We look forward to welcoming all graduates in front of the impressive backdrop of the Colonnade at the Neues Palais.

If you graduated or will graduate between July 01, 2024 and June 30, 2025, you are cordially invited to attend this event. Registration for the event runs via the alumni portal:

Registration for the graduation ceremony starts on April 01, 2025.

Vor rot gelbem Himmel sieht man die Schatten von tanzenden Menschen mit Armen in der Luft
Photo: Luca Iaconelli

Graduation Party
7 p.m. | house 8, courtyard

Here, all graduates can celebrate the festive day with their families and friends. The Studentenwerk will provide food and drinks. Special highlight: President Oliver Günther, Ph.D. at the DJ booth.

Vor rot gelbem Himmel sieht man die Schatten von tanzenden Menschen mit Armen in der Luft
Photo: Luca Iaconelli

Pictures of the Graduation Ceremony 2024

Pictures of the Graduation Party 2024