Abgeschlossene Promotionen
Name | Titel der Dissertation | Wissenschaftsdisziplin | Erstbetreuer | Tag der Disputation |
2024 | ||||
Fernandez Palomino, Carlos Antonio | Understanding the hydrological dynamics in the tropical Andes of Peru and Ecuador and their response to climate change | Geoökologie | Prof. Axel Bronstert (UP) | 20.08.2024 |
Hartmann, Anne | Hydrologie | Prof. Bruno Merz (GFZ) | 23.02.2024 | |
Zhou, Xiangqian | Geoökologie | Prof. Michael Rode (UFZ) | 09.01.2024 | |
Li, Yunfei | On the influence of density and morphology on the Urban Heat Island intensity | Geoökologie | Prof. Jürgen Kropp (PIK) | 09.01.2024 |
2023 | ||||
Schmidt, Lena Katharina | Geoökologie | Prof. A. Bronstert | 12.12.2023 | |
Zhang, Xiaolin | Evaluation of nitrogen dynamics in high-order streams and rivers based on high-frequency monitoring | Geoökologie | Prof. Michael Rode (UFZ) | 04.09.2023 |
Kemper, Tarek | KlimAgrar - Neue Methoden der Begleitforschung am Beispiel des klimagerechten Handelns in der Landwirtschaft | Geoökologie | Prof. H. Wiggering | 20.07.2023 |
Nguyen, Le Duy | Hydrological processes in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta | Hydrologie | Prof. B. Merz (GFZ) | 06.07.2023 |
Mtilatila, Lucy | Climate change effects on drought, freshwater availability and hydro-power generation in an African environment | Hydrologie | Prof. A. Bronstert | 27.06.2023 |
Luna, Lisa | Rainfall-triggered landslides: conditions, prediction, and warning | Georisiken | Prof. O. Korup | 22.06.2023 |
Calitri, Francesca | Co-evolution of erosion rates, weathering and profile development in soil landscapes of hummocky ground moraines | Geoökologie | Prof. M. Sommer (ZALF) | 22.06.2023 |
Seleem, Omar Mahmoud Abdelwahab | Towards urban pluvial flood mapping using data-driven models | Hydrologie | Prof. A. Bronstert | 20.06.2023 |
Schmitz, Seán | Using low-cost sensors to gather high resolution measurements of air quality in urban environments and inform mobility policy | Geoökologie | Prof. M. Lawrence (RIFS) | 31.05.2023 |
Schoppa, Lukas | Dynamics in the Flood Vulnerability of Companies | Naturrisikenforschung | Prof. B. Merz (GFZ) | 24.03.2023 |
2022 | ||||
Han, Sungju | Perceptions of nature-based solutions in the context of floods | Naturrisikenforschung | Prof. C. Kuhlicke (UFZ), | 05.12.2022 |
Fischer, Melanie | Outburst Floods in the Greater Himalayas - From Regional Susceptibility to Local Hazard | Naturrisikenforschung | PD Dr. A. Walz | 21.10.2022 |
Trautmann, Tina | Unterstanding global Water Storage Variations using Model-Data Integration | Hydrologie | Prof. A. Güntner (GFZ) | 15.09.2022 |
Mohor, Guilherme Samprogna | Exploring the fransferability of flood loss models across flood types | Prof. A. Thieken | 05.07.2022 | |
Heidenreich, Anna | Risk Communication of Natural Hazards - Explaining pathways to adaptive behavior by applying psychological theories and using multiple quantitative methods in the context of heat stress and flooding | Naturrisikenforschung | Prof. A. Thieken | 07.07.2022 |
Krummenauer, Linda | Global heat adaptation among urban populations and its evolution under different climate futures | Klimafolgenforschung | apl. Prof. J. Kropp (PIK), Prof. A. Thieken | 16.06.2022 |
Schönfeldt, Elisabeth | Giant Landslides in Patagonia, Argentina | Georisiken | Prof. O. Korup | 14.06.2022 |
Serwene, Pola | Geographie verstehen durch Zweisprachigkeit - Eine Design-Based-Research-Studie im bilingualen Geographieunterricht am Beispiel des Fachkonzepts Wandel | Didaktik der Geographie | Prof. N. Brendel | 14.06.2022 |
Kemter, Matthias | River Floods in a Changing World | Naturrisikenforschung | Prof. B. Merz (GFZ) | 10.06.2022 |
2021 | ||||
Koc, Gamze | A comprehensive analysis of severe flood events in Turkey: event documentation, triggering mechanismus and impact modelling | Naturrisikenforschung | Prof. A. Thieken | 06.09.2021 |
Rottler, Erwin | Transient merging of two Rhine flow regimes from climate change | Geoökologie | Prof. A. Bronstert | 30.08.2021 |
Mahata, Khadak Singh | Spatiotemporal Variations of Key Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases in the Himalayan Foothills | Klimafolgenforschung | Prof. M. Lawrence (IASS) | 28.06.2021 |
Wienicke, Maik | Wohin mit der sozialistischen Persönlichkeit? - Transformatives Lehren und Lernen von Geographielehrkräften in Ostdeutschland | Geographie | Prof. M. Rolfes | 24.06.2021 |
Metin Usta, Ayşe Duha | The role of risk components and spatial dependence in flood risk estimations | Hydrologie | Prof. B. Merz (GFZ) | 24.02.2021 |
Weger, Lindsey | Exploring potential impacts from transitions in German and European energy on GHG and air pollutant emissions and on ozone air quality | Geoökologie | Prof. M. Lawrence (IASS) | 10.02.2021 |
2020 | ||||
Wang, Weishi | Influence of river reconstruction at a bank filtration site - water quality field investigation and 3D modelling of groundwater flow and heat transport | Hydrogeologie | Prof. S. Oswald | 06.11.2020 |
Pilz, Tobias | Pursuing the understanding of uncertainties in hydrological modelling | Hydrologie | Prof. A. Bronstert | 15.09.2020 |
Rolf, Werner | Peri-urban farmland included in green infrastructure strategies promotes transformation pathways towards sustainable urban development | Landschaftsmanagement | Prof. H. Wiggering | 04.09.2020 |
Barbosa, Luis Romero | Groundwater Recharge in Tropical Wet Regions via GIS-based Methods and Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing | Geoökologie / Hydrogeologie | Prof. S. Oswald | 11.03.2020 |
Weißhuhn, Peter | Assessing biotope vulnerability to landscape changes | Landschaftsökologie | Prof. H. Wiggering | 10.01.2020 |
2019 | ||||
Schmidt, Martin | Fragmentation of landscapes: modelling ecosystem services of transition zones | Geoökologie | Prof. G. Lischeid (ZALF) | 16.12.2019 |
Crisologo, Irene | Using spaceborne radar platforms to enhance the homogeneity of weather radar calibration | Geoökologie | PD M. Heistermann, Prof. A. Bronstert | 19.11.2019 |
von Specht, Sebastian | Likelihood - based optimization in strong-motion seismology | Prof. F. Cotton (Geowissens.) | 25.10.2019 | |
Laudan, Jonas | Changing susceptibility of flood-prone residents in Germany | Naturgefahren | Prof. A. Thieken | 13.08.2019 |
Veh, Georg | Outburst floods from moraine-dammed lakes in the Himalayas: Detection, frequency, and hazard | Naturgefahren | PD A. Walz | 12.08.2019 |
Yang, Xiaoqiang | Spatial and temporal analyses of catchment and in-stream nitrate dynamics | Geoökologie | Prof. M. Rode (UFZ) | 16.07.2020 |
Fiedler, Bernhard | Change-point detection for seismicity parameters | 10.07.2019 | ||
Wendi, Dadiyorto | Recurrence Plots and Quantification Analysis of Flood Runoff Dynamics | Naturgefahren | Prof. B. Merz (GFZ) | 05.04.2019 |
Sieg, Tobias | Reliability of flood damage estimations across spatial scales | Naturgefahren | Prof. B. Merz (GFZ) | 22.02.2019 |
Sterzel, Till | Analyzing global typologies of socio-ecological vulnerability - The cases of human security in drylands, and rapid coastal urbanization | Geoökologie | apl. Prof. J. Kropp (PIK) | 22.02.2019 |
Öztürk, Ugur | Learning more to predict landslides | Naturgefahren | Prof. O. Korup | 21.02.2019 |
Agarwal, Ankit | Unraveling spatio-temporal climatic patterns via multi-scale complex networks | Geoökologie | Prof. J. Kurths (PIK) | 29.01.2019 |
2018 | ||||
Angermann, Lisa | Hillslope-stream connectivity across scales | Geoökologie | Prof. B. Merz (GFZ) | 20.12.2018 |
Hesse, Cornelia | Integrated water quality modelling in meso- to large-scale catchments of the Elbe River basin under climate and land use change | Geoökologie | Prof. A. Bronstert | 08.11.2018 |
Murawski, Aline | Trends in precipitation over Germany and the Rhine basin related to changes in weather patterns | Hydrologie | Prof. B. Merz (GFZ) | 15.06.2018 |
Theuring, Phillip | Suspended sediments in the Kharaa River, Sources and Impacts | Geoökologie | apl. Prof. M. Rode (UFZ) | 20. 04.2018 |
Schmidt, Katja | Assessing, testing, and implementing socio-cultural valuation methods to operationalise ecosystem services in land use management | Geoökologie | JProf. A. Walz | 02.03.2018 |
Siegmund, Jonatan Frederik | Quantifying impacts of climate extreme events on vegetation | Prof. G. Lischeid (ZALF) | 11.01.2018 | |
2017 | ||||
Wambura, Frank Joseph | Analysis of anthropogenic impacts on water resources in the Wami River basin, Tanzania | Prof. G. Lischeid (ZALF) | 19.12.2017 | |
Gudipudi, Venkata Ramana | Cities and global sustainability | Prof. J. P. Kropp (PIK) | 08.12.2017 | |
Schmidt, Silke Regina | Analyzing lakes in the time frequency domain | Geoökologie | Prof. G. Lischeid (ZALF) | 23.11.2017 |
Munz, Matthias | Water flow and heat transport modelling at the interface between river and aquifer | Geoökologie | Prof. S. Oswald | 23.10.2017 |
Käthner, Jana | Interaction of spatial variability characterized by soil electrical conductivity and plant water status related to generative growth of fruit trees | Geoökologie | apl. Prof. O. Blumenstein | 03.04.2017 |
Schrön, Martin | Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing and its Applications to Soil and Land Surface Hydrology | Hydrogeologie | Prof. S. Oswald | 22.02.2017 |
Kellermann, Patric | Assessing natural risks for railway infrastructure and transportation in Austria | Geoökologie | Prof. A. Thieken | 13.02.2017 |
Stagl, Judith | Ecosystems' exposure to climate change: Modeling as support for nature conservation management | Dr. F. Hattermann, Prof. A. Bronstert | 12.01.2017 | |
2016 | ||||
Bäse, Frank | Interception loss of changing land covers in the humid tropical lowland of Latin America: A synthesis of experimental and modeling approaches | Prof. Elsenbeer | 23.11.2016 | |
Hohenbrink, Tobias Ludwig | Turning a problem into a solution: heterogeneities in soil hydrology | Prof. G. Lischeid (ZALF) | 28.10.2016 | |
Vormoor, Klaus | The changing role of snowmelt and rainfall dominated floods in Norway under climate change - observations, projections, uncertainties | Prof. A. Bronstert | 27.10.2016 | |
Roers, Michael | Methoden zur Dynamisierung von Klimafolgenanalysen im Elbegebiet - Aktualisierung von Szenarienstudien zu den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und fortlaufende Überprüfung ökohydrologischer Modellergebnisse | Hydrologie | Prof. E. N. Paton | 14.10.2016 |
Olonscheck, Mady | Climate change impacts on electricity and residential energy demand | Prof. J. Kropp (PIK) | 30.09.2016 | |
Nied , Manuela | The role of soil moisture and weather patterns for flood occurrence and characteristics at the river basin scale | Prof. B. Merz (GFZ) | 20.07.2016 | |
Gutsch, Martin | Model-based analysis of climate change impacts on the productivity of oak-pine forests in Brandenburg | Prof. W. Cramer (PIK) | 11.07.2016 | |
Böttle, Markus | Coastal Floodings in View of Sea Level Rise: Assessing Damage Coasts and Adaption Measures | Prof. J. Kropp (PIK) | 27.04.2016 | |
Aich, Valentin | Floods in the Niger River Basin in the face of Global Change - Analysis, Attribution and Projections | Prof. E. N. Paton | 15.04.2016 | |
Falter, Daniela | A novel approach for large-scale flood risk assessments: continuous and long-term simulation of the full flood risk chain | Prof. B. Merz (GFZ) | 08.04.2016 | |
Papendiek, Franka | Fodder Legumes for green Biorefineries: A Perspective for Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems | Prof. H. Wiggering | 20.02.2016 | |
Kormann, Christoph | Regional climate change effects on hydroclimatic conditions in the Alpine region - Detection and attribution | Prof. A. Bronstert | 10.02.2016 | |
Borys, Alexander | Kohlenstoffspeicherung in Abhängigkeit von Waldpflege, Klimawandel und Ökonomie | Dr. F. Suckow, P. Lasch-Born | 20.01.2016 | |
2015 | ||||
Hunke, Philip Paul | The Brazilian Cerrado: ecohydrological assessment of water and soil degradation in heavily modified meso-scale catchments | Geoökologie / Ökohydrologie | Dr. habil. E. N. Müller | 27.11.2015 |
Haase, Marina | Berufsschullandschaften in ländlichen Räumen. Zur Steuerung berufsbildender Infrastrukturen im Kontext demografischer Entwicklungen und institutioneller, sektoraler sowie akteursspezifischer Konstellationen in Brandenburg | Geographie | Prof. H.-J. Bürkner (IRS) | 23.11.2015 |
Abon, Catherina | Radar-based Rainfall Retrieval for Flood Forecasting in a Meso-Scale Catchment, the Philippines | Geoökologie | Prof. A. Bronstert | 10.11.2015 |
Mai, Michael | Migrationsdiskurse in der deutschen Grenzregion zu Polen. Empirische Analysen in Frankfurt (Oder), Guben und Görlitz im Vorfeld der EU-Erweiterung zum 1.05.2004 | Geographie | Prof. H.-J. Bürkner (IRS) | 5.11.2015 |
Trauth, Nico | Flow and reactive transport modeling at the stream-groundwater interface | Hydrogeologie | Prof. S. Oswald | 09.10.2015 |
Brosinski, Arlena | Spectral fingerprinting: The potential of VNIR-SWIR spectral characteristics for tracing suspended sediment sources | Geoökologie | Prof. A. Bronstert | 07.09.2015 |
Düthmann, Doris | Hydrological modeling of mountain catchments in Central Asia – approaches for data sparse catchments | Hydrologie | Prof. B. Merz (GFZ) | 16. 06.2015 |
Busch, Jan | Investigations on mobility of carbon colloid supported nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) for groundwater remediation | Hydrogeologie | Prof. S. Oswald | 28.04.2015 |
2014 | ||||
Mohr, Christian | Hydrological and erosion responses to man-made and natural disturbances – Insights from forested catchments in south-central Chile | Geoökologie | Prof. A. Bronstert | 29.01.2014 |
Rivera Villarreyes, Carlos | Cosmic-ray neutron sensing for soil moisture measurements in cropped fields | Hydrologie | Prof. S. Oswald | 29.01.2014 |
2013 | ||||
Anis, Muhammad Rehan | Climate change effects on overland flow | Hydrologie | PD Dr. M. Rode (UFZ); Prof. S. Attinger (UFZ) | 26.09.2013 |
Conradt, Tobias | Challenges of regional hydrological modelling in the Elbe River basin – Investigations about model fidelity on sub-catchment level | Hydrologie | Prof. A. Bronstert | 06.05.2013 |
2012 | ||||
Jagdhuber, Tomas | Soil Parameter Retrieval under Vegetation Cover using SAR Polarimtery | Hydrologie | Prof. A. Bronstert | 05.07.2012 |
Alexandre Cunha Costa | Analyzing and modelling of flow transmission processes in river-systems with a focus on semi-arid conditions | Hydrologie | Prof. A. Bronstert | 10.05.2012 |
Huang, Shaochun | Modelling of Environmental Change Impacts on Water Resources and Hydrological Extremes in Germany | Geoökologie | Prof. A. Bronstert | 02.05.2012 |
Wulf, Hendrik | Seasonal precipitation, river discharge, and sediment flux in the Western Himalaya | Geomorphologie | Prof. H. Elsenbeer | 20.01.2012 |