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NameTitel der DissertationWissenschaftsdisziplinErstbetreuerTag der Disputation
Fernandez Palomino, Carlos AntonioUnderstanding the hydrological dynamics in the tropical Andes of Peru and Ecuador and their response to climate changeGeoökologieProf. Axel Bronstert (UP)20.08.2024
Hartmann, Anne

Tracing the evolution of hillslope structure and hillslope hydrological response over ten millennia in two glacial forefields of different geology

HydrologieProf. Bruno Merz (GFZ)23.02.2024
Zhou, Xiangqian

Modeling of spatially distributed nitrate transport to investigate the effects of drought and river restoration in the Bode catchment, Central Germany

GeoökologieProf. Michael Rode (UFZ)09.01.2024
Li, Yunfei

On the influence of density and morphology on the Urban Heat Island intensity

GeoökologieProf. Jürgen Kropp (PIK)09.01.2024
Schmidt, Lena Katharina

Altered hydrological and sediment dynamics in high-alpine areas – Exploring the potential of machine-learning for estimating past and future changes

GeoökologieProf. A. Bronstert12.12.2023
Zhang, Xiaolin

Evaluation of nitrogen dynamics in high-order streams and rivers based on high-frequency monitoring

GeoökologieProf. Michael Rode (UFZ)04.09.2023
Kemper, TarekKlimAgrar - Neue Methoden der Begleitforschung am Beispiel des klimagerechten Handelns in der LandwirtschaftGeoökologieProf. H. Wiggering20.07.2023
Nguyen, Le DuyHydrological processes in the Vietnamese Mekong DeltaHydrologieProf. B. Merz (GFZ)06.07.2023
Mtilatila, LucyClimate change effects on drought, freshwater availability and hydro-power generation in an African environmentHydrologieProf. A. Bronstert27.06.2023
Luna, LisaRainfall-triggered landslides: conditions, prediction, and warningGeorisikenProf. O. Korup22.06.2023
Calitri, FrancescaCo-evolution of erosion rates, weathering and profile development in soil landscapes of hummocky ground morainesGeoökologieProf. M. Sommer (ZALF)22.06.2023
Seleem, Omar Mahmoud AbdelwahabTowards urban pluvial flood mapping using data-driven modelsHydrologieProf. A. Bronstert20.06.2023
Schmitz, SeánUsing low-cost sensors to gather high resolution measurements of air quality in urban environments and inform mobility policyGeoökologieProf. M. Lawrence (RIFS)31.05.2023
Schoppa, LukasDynamics in the Flood Vulnerability of CompaniesNaturrisikenforschungProf. B. Merz (GFZ)24.03.2023
Han, SungjuPerceptions of nature-based solutions in the context of floodsNaturrisikenforschung

Prof. C. Kuhlicke (UFZ),
Prof. A. Thieken

Fischer, MelanieOutburst Floods in the Greater Himalayas - From Regional Susceptibility to Local HazardNaturrisikenforschungPD Dr. A. Walz21.10.2022
Trautmann, TinaUnterstanding global Water Storage Variations using Model-Data IntegrationHydrologieProf. A. Güntner (GFZ)15.09.2022
Mohor, Guilherme SamprognaExploring the fransferability of flood loss models across flood types Prof. A. Thieken05.07.2022
Heidenreich, AnnaRisk Communication of Natural Hazards - Explaining pathways to adaptive behavior by applying psychological theories and using multiple quantitative methods in the context of heat stress and floodingNaturrisikenforschungProf. A. Thieken07.07.2022
Krummenauer, LindaGlobal heat adaptation among urban populations and its evolution under different climate futuresKlimafolgenforschungapl. Prof. J. Kropp (PIK), Prof. A. Thieken16.06.2022
Schönfeldt, ElisabethGiant Landslides in Patagonia, ArgentinaGeorisikenProf. O. Korup14.06.2022
Serwene, PolaGeographie verstehen durch Zweisprachigkeit - Eine Design-Based-Research-Studie im bilingualen Geographieunterricht am Beispiel des Fachkonzepts WandelDidaktik der GeographieProf. N. Brendel14.06.2022
Kemter, MatthiasRiver Floods in a Changing WorldNaturrisikenforschungProf. B. Merz (GFZ)10.06.2022
Koc, GamzeA comprehensive analysis of severe flood events in Turkey: event documentation, triggering mechanismus and impact modellingNaturrisikenforschungProf. A. Thieken06.09.2021
Rottler, ErwinTransient merging of two Rhine flow regimes from climate changeGeoökologieProf. A. Bronstert30.08.2021
Mahata, Khadak SinghSpatiotemporal Variations of Key Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases in the Himalayan FoothillsKlimafolgenforschungProf. M. Lawrence (IASS)28.06.2021
Wienicke, MaikWohin mit der sozialistischen Persönlichkeit? - Transformatives Lehren und Lernen von Geographielehrkräften in OstdeutschlandGeographieProf. M. Rolfes24.06.2021
Metin Usta, Ayşe Duha

The role of risk components and spatial dependence in flood risk estimations

HydrologieProf. B. Merz (GFZ)24.02.2021
Weger, LindseyExploring potential impacts from transitions in German and European energy on GHG and air pollutant emissions and on ozone air qualityGeoökologieProf. M. Lawrence (IASS)10.02.2021
Wang, WeishiInfluence of river reconstruction at a bank filtration site - water quality field investigation and 3D modelling of groundwater flow and heat transportHydrogeologieProf. S. Oswald06.11.2020
Pilz, TobiasPursuing the understanding of uncertainties in hydrological modellingHydrologieProf. A. Bronstert15.09.2020
Rolf, WernerPeri-urban farmland included in green infrastructure strategies promotes transformation pathways towards sustainable urban developmentLandschaftsmanagementProf. H. Wiggering04.09.2020
Barbosa, Luis RomeroGroundwater Recharge in Tropical Wet Regions via GIS-based Methods and Cosmic-Ray Neutron SensingGeoökologie / HydrogeologieProf. S. Oswald11.03.2020
Weißhuhn, PeterAssessing biotope vulnerability to landscape changesLandschaftsökologieProf. H. Wiggering10.01.2020
Schmidt, MartinFragmentation of landscapes: modelling ecosystem services of transition zonesGeoökologieProf. G. Lischeid (ZALF)16.12.2019
Crisologo, IreneUsing spaceborne radar platforms to enhance the homogeneity of weather radar calibrationGeoökologiePD M. Heistermann, Prof. A. Bronstert19.11.2019
von Specht, SebastianLikelihood - based optimization in strong-motion seismology Prof. F. Cotton (Geowissens.)25.10.2019
Laudan, JonasChanging susceptibility of flood-prone residents in GermanyNaturgefahrenProf. A. Thieken13.08.2019
Veh, GeorgOutburst floods from moraine-dammed lakes in the Himalayas: Detection, frequency, and hazardNaturgefahrenPD A. Walz12.08.2019
Yang, XiaoqiangSpatial and temporal analyses of catchment and in-stream nitrate dynamicsGeoökologieProf. M. Rode (UFZ)16.07.2020
Fiedler, BernhardChange-point detection for seismicity parameters  10.07.2019
Wendi, DadiyortoRecurrence Plots and Quantification Analysis of Flood Runoff DynamicsNaturgefahrenProf. B. Merz (GFZ)05.04.2019
Sieg, TobiasReliability of flood damage estimations across spatial scalesNaturgefahrenProf. B. Merz (GFZ)22.02.2019
Sterzel, TillAnalyzing global typologies of socio-ecological vulnerability - The cases of human security in drylands, and rapid coastal urbanizationGeoökologieapl. Prof. J. Kropp (PIK)22.02.2019

Öztürk, Ugur

Learning more to predict landslidesNaturgefahrenProf. O. Korup21.02.2019
Agarwal, AnkitUnraveling spatio-temporal climatic patterns via multi-scale complex networksGeoökologieProf. J. Kurths (PIK)29.01.2019
Angermann, LisaHillslope-stream connectivity across scalesGeoökologieProf. B. Merz (GFZ)20.12.2018
Hesse, CorneliaIntegrated water quality modelling in meso- to large-scale catchments of the Elbe River basin under climate and land use changeGeoökologieProf. A. Bronstert08.11.2018
Murawski, AlineTrends in precipitation over Germany and the Rhine basin related to changes in weather patternsHydrologieProf. B. Merz (GFZ)15.06.2018
Theuring, PhillipSuspended sediments in the Kharaa River, Sources and ImpactsGeoökologieapl. Prof. M. Rode (UFZ)20. 04.2018
Schmidt, KatjaAssessing, testing, and implementing socio-cultural valuation methods to operationalise ecosystem services in land use managementGeoökologieJProf. A. Walz02.03.2018
Siegmund, Jonatan FrederikQuantifying impacts of climate extreme events on vegetation Prof. G. Lischeid (ZALF)11.01.2018
Wambura, Frank JosephAnalysis of anthropogenic impacts on water resources in the Wami River basin, Tanzania Prof. G. Lischeid (ZALF)19.12.2017
Gudipudi, Venkata RamanaCities and global sustainability Prof. J. P. Kropp (PIK)08.12.2017
Schmidt, Silke ReginaAnalyzing lakes in the time frequency domainGeoökologieProf. G. Lischeid (ZALF)23.11.2017
Munz, MatthiasWater flow and heat transport modelling at the interface between river and aquiferGeoökologieProf. S. Oswald23.10.2017
Käthner, JanaInteraction of spatial variability characterized by soil electrical conductivity and plant water status related to generative growth of fruit treesGeoökologieapl. Prof. O. Blumenstein03.04.2017
Schrön, MartinCosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing and its Applications to Soil and Land Surface HydrologyHydrogeologieProf. S. Oswald22.02.2017
Kellermann, PatricAssessing natural risks for railway infrastructure and transportation in AustriaGeoökologieProf. A. Thieken13.02.2017
Stagl, JudithEcosystems' exposure to climate change: Modeling as support for nature conservation management Dr. F. Hattermann, Prof. A. Bronstert12.01.2017
Bäse, FrankInterception loss of changing land covers in the humid tropical lowland of Latin America: A synthesis of experimental and modeling approaches Prof. Elsenbeer23.11.2016
Hohenbrink, Tobias LudwigTurning a problem into a solution: heterogeneities in soil hydrology Prof. G. Lischeid (ZALF)28.10.2016
Vormoor, KlausThe changing role of snowmelt and rainfall dominated floods in Norway under climate change - observations, projections, uncertainties Prof. A. Bronstert27.10.2016
Roers, MichaelMethoden zur Dynamisierung von Klimafolgenanalysen im Elbegebiet - Aktualisierung von Szenarienstudien zu den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und fortlaufende Überprüfung ökohydrologischer ModellergebnisseHydrologieProf. E. N. Paton14.10.2016
Olonscheck, MadyClimate change impacts on electricity and residential energy demand Prof. J. Kropp (PIK)30.09.2016
Nied , ManuelaThe role of soil moisture and weather patterns for flood occurrence and characteristics at the river basin scale Prof. B. Merz (GFZ)20.07.2016
Gutsch, MartinModel-based analysis of climate change impacts on the productivity of oak-pine forests in Brandenburg Prof. W. Cramer (PIK)11.07.2016
Böttle, MarkusCoastal Floodings in View of Sea Level Rise: Assessing Damage Coasts and Adaption Measures Prof. J. Kropp (PIK)27.04.2016
Aich, ValentinFloods in the Niger River Basin in the face of Global Change - Analysis, Attribution and Projections Prof. E. N. Paton15.04.2016
Falter, DanielaA novel approach for large-scale flood risk assessments: continuous and long-term simulation of the full flood risk chain Prof. B. Merz (GFZ)08.04.2016
Papendiek, FrankaFodder Legumes for green Biorefineries: A Perspective for Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems Prof. H. Wiggering20.02.2016
Kormann, ChristophRegional climate change effects on hydroclimatic conditions in the Alpine region - Detection and attribution Prof. A. Bronstert10.02.2016
Borys, AlexanderKohlenstoffspeicherung in Abhängigkeit von Waldpflege, Klimawandel und Ökonomie Dr. F. Suckow, P. Lasch-Born20.01.2016
Hunke, Philip PaulThe Brazilian Cerrado: ecohydrological assessment of water and soil degradation in heavily modified meso-scale catchmentsGeoökologie / ÖkohydrologieDr. habil. E. N. Müller27.11.2015
Haase, Marina

Berufsschullandschaften in ländlichen Räumen. Zur Steuerung berufsbildender Infrastrukturen im Kontext demografischer Entwicklungen und institutioneller, sektoraler sowie akteursspezifischer Konstellationen in Brandenburg

GeographieProf. H.-J. Bürkner (IRS)23.11.2015
Abon, CatherinaRadar-based Rainfall Retrieval for Flood Forecasting in a Meso-Scale Catchment, the PhilippinesGeoökologieProf. A. Bronstert10.11.2015
Mai, Michael

Migrationsdiskurse in der deutschen Grenzregion zu Polen. Empirische Analysen in Frankfurt (Oder), Guben und Görlitz im Vorfeld der EU-Erweiterung zum 1.05.2004

GeographieProf. H.-J. Bürkner (IRS)5.11.2015
Trauth, NicoFlow and reactive transport modeling at the stream-groundwater interfaceHydrogeologieProf. S. Oswald09.10.2015
Brosinski, ArlenaSpectral fingerprinting: The potential of VNIR-SWIR spectral characteristics for tracing suspended sediment sourcesGeoökologieProf. A. Bronstert07.09.2015
Düthmann, DorisHydrological modeling of mountain catchments in Central Asia – approaches for data sparse catchmentsHydrologieProf. B. Merz (GFZ)16. 06.2015
Busch, JanInvestigations on mobility of carbon colloid supported nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) for groundwater remediationHydrogeologieProf. S. Oswald28.04.2015
Mohr, ChristianHydrological and erosion responses to man-made and natural disturbances – Insights from forested catchments in south-central ChileGeoökologieProf. A. Bronstert29.01.2014
Rivera Villarreyes, CarlosCosmic-ray neutron sensing for soil moisture measurements in cropped fieldsHydrologieProf. S. Oswald29.01.2014
Anis, Muhammad RehanClimate change effects on overland flowHydrologiePD Dr. M. Rode (UFZ); Prof. S. Attinger (UFZ)
Conradt, TobiasChallenges of regional hydrological modelling in the Elbe River basin – Investigations about model fidelity on sub-catchment levelHydrologieProf. A. Bronstert06.05.2013
Jagdhuber, TomasSoil Parameter Retrieval under Vegetation Cover using SAR PolarimteryHydrologieProf. A. Bronstert05.07.2012
Alexandre Cunha CostaAnalyzing and modelling of flow transmission processes in river-systems with a focus on semi-arid conditionsHydrologieProf. A. Bronstert10.05.2012
Huang, ShaochunModelling of Environmental Change Impacts on Water Resources and Hydrological Extremes in GermanyGeoökologieProf. A. Bronstert02.05.2012
Wulf, HendrikSeasonal precipitation, river discharge, and sediment flux in the Western HimalayaGeomorphologieProf. H. Elsenbeer20.01.2012

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