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CLEWS student council

Our mission

The mission of the CLEWS Student Council is to fortify the bonds within our student community across different year groups and cultural backgrounds. Elected in April 2024, our council consists of 12 proactive members from six different countries, all united by a strong social fabric and a shared motivation to enrich our academic and social lives beyond the classroom. We are committed to identifying and resolving issues that affect our studies and student life, advocating on behalf of our peers, and creating enjoyable and inclusive activities that enhance our educational journey and personal growth.

What is a student council?

A student council is a group of elected student representatives who work together to enhance the collective experience of their peers within an educational institution. It serves as a vital link between the student body and the faculty, administration, and external community. The council advocates for students’ needs, addresses academic and social issues, and organizes activities that foster a vibrant campus life. By representing diverse student voices, the council plays a crucial role in shaping a supportive and dynamic educational environment.

Contact us



of the CLEWS student council

CLEWS student council
Foto: CLEWS student council
From upper left to lower right: Tilo, Gustav, Sophia, Johannes, Ludo, Louis, Aeon, Rike, Paola. Members who could not be there for the picture: Liv, Konsti, Jay

Our members & roles

  • Finance: Rike, Louis
  • VeFa/Networking: Sophia, Tilo, Gustav
  • Contact & Mail: Konsti, Ludo
  • Events: Johannes, Liv, Paola, Gustav
  • Room for FSR/CLEWS: Rike, Ludo
  • Website: Johannes, Aeon 
  • Logo & Merch: Liv, Rike
  • Social media: Elli (associate)
CLEWS student council
Foto: CLEWS student council
From upper left to lower right: Tilo, Gustav, Sophia, Johannes, Ludo, Louis, Aeon, Rike, Paola. Members who could not be there for the picture: Liv, Konsti, Jay

Events organised by the CLEWS student council