DaF - Contact
General inquiries about courses, tests, exams and applications for German courses at the Zessko should be sent to the German office. The whole German team will have access to this mail box.
For specific questions related to a particular German course or personal inquiries, please refer to the individual e-mail adresses of the German team members.
Questions for our adjunct instructors should be directed to the German office.
Before sending an inquiry, please consider the information provided on our web page, esapecially at the FAQ pages.
German office - Kollegium
Campus Neues Paiais
Building 19, 3rd floor
consulting hours
Please see the details for every team member below.
Consultation hours during the lecture-free period
At the moment, consultations will be provided partly in our office and via Zoom. Please ask for an appointment via e-mail (see contact details below). You will then get the Zoom invitation via e-mail.
- 18th February, 13:00 - 15:00, Mr. Lehker, office and Zoom (Zoom only on appointment)
- 20th February, 12:00 - 13:00, Ms. Klose, office
- 26th February, 10:00 - 13:00, Mr. Pösl, office
- 03rd March, 09:00 - 10:00, Ms. Greßmann, office
- 04th March, 09:00 - 10:00, Ms. Greßmann, office
- 05th March, 09:00 - 10:00, Ms. Greßmann, office
- 20th March, 12:00 - 13:00, Ms. Greßmann and Ms Klose, office
- 26th March, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr, Mr. Pösl, office
- 01st April, 14:00 - 16:00, Mr. Lehker, office and Zoom (Zoom only on appointment)
- Other options may be possible upon request and on appointment per e-mail.
Christoph Lehker
Director of the German as a foreign language (DaF) program
Core Priorities:
- Courses on courses on general language (level A1 CEFR) and the academic language of the social sciences and law (B2/C1 CEFR)
- Learning with digital media: Moodle, ePortfolio
- Language-learning advising
- Supporting individual and cooperative learning processes, developing and strengthening autonomy in learning
- integrated testing and assessment of language skills
- Studied German philology, history and political science at the University of Potsdam and University College Dublin (Ireland) – M.A., 1999
- Complementary degree in German as a foreign language at the University of Potsdam, 2001
- Advanced training as E-Teacher, 2005
- Distance teacher at Goethe Institute, Munich, 2006
- Participation in numerous conferences and workshops on the didactics of learning and teaching foreign languages

Christoph Lehker
Am Neuen Palais 10, Building 19, Room 3.25
consulting hours
during the lecture period:
Wednesdays, 09:00 - 10:00 am via Zoom on appointment (e-mail),
Thursdays, 13:15 - 14:15
in the office or online via Zoom on appointment (e-mail).
Ulrike Greßmann
Staff member, German as a foreign language (DaF)
Core Priorities:
- Courses on general language, level B1/B2 (CEFR)
- Oral expression B1, C1
- Grammar
- eLearning (Moodle)
- Studied German linguistics with specialization in DaF/DaZ, as well as Spanish philology, at the University of Potsdam; Magistra Artium
- Teaching since 2003 at various educational institutions
- Teaching since 2009 at the University of Potsdam
- Qualified as teacher for integration courses (BAMF)
- E-Teaching advanced training, 2012

Ulrike Greßmann
Am Neuen Palais 10, Building 19, Room 3.26a
consulting hours
during the lecture period:
Mondays, 03:00 - 04:00 pm in the office.
Henriette Klose
Staff member, German as a foreign language (DaF)
Core Priorities:
- Courses on general language, level A1/A2 (CEFR)
- Pronunciation: articulation und intonation
- Grammar
- eLearning (Moodle)
- Studied Comparative Literature, Theatre Studies and Italian Philology in Berlin, Vienna and Siena. Magistra Artium (Freie Universität Berlin)
- Specialization in German as a Foreign Language (Goethe-Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
- Lecturing German as a foreign language since 2000 including universities in Rome, Berlin and Potsdam

Henriette Klose
Am Neuen Palais, Building 19, Room 3.27
consulting hours
during the lecture period:
Thursdays, 12:00 - 01:00 pm
in the office or online via Zoom on appointment (E-Mail).
Thomas Pösl
Staff member, German as a foreign language (DaF)
Core Priorities:
- Courses on general language, level A2, B2
- Grammar
- eLearning (Moodle)
- Studied to become a teacher at the secondary level I/II in German philology and history at the University of Potsdam; diploma in 1993
- Complementary degree in German as a foreign language at the University of Potsdam, 2003
- Teaching since 2003 at various educational institutions

Thomas Pösl
Am Neuen Palais 10, Building 19, Room 3.26a
consulting hours
during the lecture period:
Mondays, 01:00 pm - 02:00 pm
in the office.
For inquiries about lecturers' courses please contact Mr Lehker.
Iris Dana
- Courses on general language (A1, A2)
- Office hours by appointment, Thursdays only (Griebnitzsee Campus)
Mathias Jäckel
- Course on the academic language of law
- Office hours by appointment (Griebnitzsee Campus)
Beate Schiller
- Courses on general language (A1)
- Office hours by appointment, Fridays only (Neues Palais Campus)