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Courses in English Philology
for English and American Studies (Bachelor) and Prospective Teachers of English (Bachelor)


We are located at the Center for Languages and Key Competences (Zessko) at the Am Neuen Palais Campus, Building 19, on the third floor. Our office hours are listed under Contact.

Regulations for Taking Language Practice Courses

Link to the Attendance Regulations for Language Practice Courses

Plagiarism Policy

Information for First-Semester Students

  • You can find important information for the language practice modules in the English Philology Department here (in German).
  • You can find the contact information of the student advisors at the Departmemt of English and American Studies here.

No Placement Tests for Students of English and American Studies or Prospective Teachers of English

You can find more information here.

Entrance Test (E-EP)

Information about the Entrance Test for English and American Studies (Bachelor) and Prospective Teachers of English (Bachelor).

Courses and Learning Opportunities

Module overviews and special information on course participation.