Compact guide for Zessko German courses for exchange students (e.g. Erasmus)
1) Before you come to Potsdam
- Learn about your subject, which courses are offered (lectures, seminars, tutorials), and how many ECTS points you earn in the courses. Also do some research about the language in which the course is taught (e.g. German or English).
- Speak with your Exchange coordinator to find out which German courses at Zessko can be recognized for credit at your home university. Find out more about prerequisites of participation (language level & placement, limited availabilities, application and registration).
- Set goals for your university studies in Potsdam. What would you like to learn? What would you like to achieve?
- Learn more about the schedule and deadlines for the current semester.
- Plan your arrival in Potsdam in such a way that you can complete the necessary placement tests and registrations.
2) Immediately after arriving in Potsdam
- Learn more about the schedules and modalities of registering in your course of study and for German courses at Zessko.
- If you would like to learn German, complete Zessko’s online DaF placement test.
- If you have any questions related to our courses or the course application, come along in early April or early October for consultation online or in the DaF Office at the Neues Palais Campus, Building 19, Rooms 3.25, 3.26a or 3.27.
3) During the semester
- There is an accompanying Moodle course for (almost) every DaF course. You will receive the information you need (a link and a password) directly from the instructor. Register for the Moodle course right after the course begins so that you can receive all important information and course materials in a punctual manner. All communication outside of the courses typically runs over Moodle-EFP.
- Regularly check your university mailbox. All of the e-mails sent from Moodle will also be copied to this mailbox. Tip: You can set up forwarding from your Uni Potsdam e-mail address to your private e-mail address so that you don’t miss anything.
- Do you have questions, doubts, or problems? Contact your instructor and take advantage of their weekly office hours.
- Use the Neues Palais Media Center and the Griebnitzsee Media Center. They have computer workstations and media of all kinds for self-study.
- Stay in contact with your home university. Ask them about the credentials (ECTS/grades) you need to complete in Potsdam, and discuss which certificates you need to collect for your courses here in Potsdam.
4) At the end of the semester
- As a service for exchange students, we will send all statements of attendance with ECTS credits and the grade (so called "Scheine") directly to the International Office. Just make sure your instructor knows you are exchange student (if applicable).
- Ask your instructor in a timely fashion if you have turned in all of the necessary tasks and exercises (for example, individual achievements in order to receive all ECTS points).
- Grades are typically set two or three weeks after the course is completed.
- If you fail an examination, you can take it again. In such cases, please speak with your instructor.
- Seek out information in a timely manner about the course offerings for the next semester, and work on your own during the semester break to address gaps in your knowledge or to prepare for the next level. You can get tips on how to do this from the DaF instructors. Take advantage of our office hours in the semester break as well. Use the Neues Palais Media Center and the Griebnitzsee Media Center. They have computer workstations and media of all kinds for self-study.
More information
- Download the comprehensive guide (PDF 229KB)
Here, you may download the compact guide as PDF document (4 pages).