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Courses & examinations

"English for Academic Purposes" (EAP) courses

The “English for Academic Purposes” UNIcert courses are offered at four levels: UNIcert II/1, II/2 UNIcert III/1 and III/2 as well as IV/1 and IV/2 . The levels IV/1 (90-100 points on placement test) and IV/2 (as the continuation of IV/1; can only be taken after IV/1) are offered as "UNIcert IV/1 English for Academic Purposes". These courses are interdisciplinary by nature and enable students from all disciplines to improve their linguistic knowledge and skills by applying and developing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills to general, university-related, and academic topics.

You can find current information and course descriptions for the EAP courses as of 15 March and 15 September in PULS. Registration for these courses is only possible through PULS as of 1 April or 1 October; admission is completed at a centrally determined point in time. We ask for your understanding that a maximum of 20 students can be admitted to each course in order to facilitate a learning atmosphere that promotes and encourages communication.

UNIcert examinations

UNIcert Level II, III and IV examinations always take place at the end of the semester, or during the examination period after the respective UNIcert II/2, III/2 or IV/2 course, which also includes intensive preparation for the exam. The language level attained –

- UNIcert II or B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages,
- UNIcert III or C1 of the European Framework, or, respectively,
- UNIcert IV or C2 of the European Framework

as well as the scholarly character of the UNIcert program are formally confirmed on the UNIcert certificates. Registration for the UNIcert exams is done exclusively, without exception, in the language courses that prepare students for these exams. Students will receive all of the dates and other relevant information on course tests and examinations from their instructor.