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English for Law

Contact Person for all English for Law Courses

Tom Heaven


Frequently asked questions - English for Law

You can find the answers to specific FAQs for law students enrolled at the University of Potsdam here.

New: Application for "English for Law" courses via PULS

To apply for a place in an English for Law course via PULS, students need: a valid placement test result, the login and password for their university account (email, Moodle, etc.) as well as their PULS TAN list.

  • End of March / end of September: Placement tests for second semester and higher students.
  • Start of each semester: Application for courses via PULS.
  • Shortly before the start of the lecture period (April / October): Admission to courses on PULS (application is no longer possible).
  • Start of the lecture period (April / October): Late admission to courses only if there are places available.
  • Beginning of December: Placement test for first-semester students,registration via the information list is required.

Step-by-step instructions for PULS registrations

  1. Log in to PULS.
  2. Check placement test result (click on “my placement tests” (“meine Einstufungstests”) in the PULS navigation menu on the left, if available).
  3. If you have not yet done the placement tests, sign up on this Moodle (ONLY for Law students!) and take the placement test.
  4. Choose courses according to your placement test result; applying for several parallel groups is possible.
  5. Check in PULS that all course times for the group/s for which you apply fit into your schedule.
  6. Read the course descriptions for the relevant groups carefully.
  7. Apply for courses by clicking on “register/de-register now” (“jetzt belegen/abmelden”) for the selected groups; enter your TAN/s.
  8. Check PULS on the day after PULS admissions to see if you have received a place in a course.
  9. If you have, attend classes in the first week of the lecture period.
  10. If you have not, wait to see if you receive a place in late registration or apply again in the next semester.
  11. If, for some unforeseeable reason, you need to de-register from a course, please do this as soon as possible via PULS – you will need another TAN for this – and inform your teacher.

Please be aware that due to a limited number of places in the courses, students can only attend an English course when they have been admitted via PULS. The fact that you have applied for a course does not mean that you can attend the course.