English for Law
Contact Person for all English for Law Courses
Frequently asked questions - English for Law
You can find the answers to specific FAQs for law students enrolled at the University of Potsdam here.
New: Application for "English for Law" courses via PULS
To apply for a place in an English for Law course via PULS, students need: a valid placement test result, the login and password for their university account (email, Moodle, etc.) as well as their PULS TAN list.
- End of March / end of September: Placement tests for second semester and higher students.
- Start of each semester: Application for courses via PULS.
- Shortly before the start of the lecture period (April / October): Admission to courses on PULS (application is no longer possible).
- Start of the lecture period (April / October): Late admission to courses only if there are places available.
- Beginning of December: Placement test for first-semester students,registration via the information list is required.
Step-by-step instructions for PULS registrations
- Log in to PULS.
- Check placement test result (click on “my placement tests” (“meine Einstufungstests”) in the PULS navigation menu on the left, if available).
- If you have not yet done the placement tests, sign up on this Moodle (ONLY for Law students!) and take the placement test.
- Choose courses according to your placement test result; applying for several parallel groups is possible.
- Check in PULS that all course times for the group/s for which you apply fit into your schedule.
- Read the course descriptions for the relevant groups carefully.
- Apply for courses by clicking on “register/de-register now” (“jetzt belegen/abmelden”) for the selected groups; enter your TAN/s.
- Check PULS on the day after PULS admissions to see if you have received a place in a course.
- If you have, attend classes in the first week of the lecture period.
- If you have not, wait to see if you receive a place in late registration or apply again in the next semester.
- If, for some unforeseeable reason, you need to de-register from a course, please do this as soon as possible via PULS – you will need another TAN for this – and inform your teacher.