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Semester Placement and the Recognition of Credentials

You’ve already started, or even completed, a degree program. It’s often the case that you will need, in due time before your application or enrollment, a “semester placement” from the Examining Board for the subject (or both subjects for dual-degree programs) you’re studying at the University of Potsdam.

When do I need a semester placement?

When can I be placed in a higher semester?

How and when do I apply for a semester placement?

What happens to the application for semester placement after it has been completed?

When and how does the recognition of previous credentials for degree programs at the University of Potsdam take place?

What happens to an Application for Recognition processed by the Examining Board?


Central Student Advisory Service

University of Potsdam | Division of Student Affairs


Campus | Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10, House 8
14469 Potsdam

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