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Organizing Your Studies

Working with the laptop
Photo: Mathias Friel

Attention! Current information about the changeover of the University of Potsdam’s Campus Management System (PULS) is available on the linked page.

Here you can learn how to register for the courses you have selected.

Some programs allow for part time study. These pages will provide you with all information on this topic.

Visit the following pages if you are interested in earning a dual degree at the University of Potsdam, or if you would like to simultaneously study at our and at another university

Go here for all information regarding re-registration for the upcoming semester.

Here you can find out how to request a leave of absence for one or more semesters.

Here you can find all important information regarding the transfer to or from another university.

Visit these pages if you would like to change your subject or program of study.

See these pages for information on how to organize a transfer from a Bachelor’s to a Master’s program.

The following pages provide you with all information on how to de-register (exmatriculate).

Visit these pages for information on the PUCK and find the right contact person to answer your questions.

Prospective students can visit these pages to find out more about the University’s time frame model, which helps you to minimize course scheduling conflicts.