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+++ The website is currently being revised. We are making every effort to ensure that the updated information will be available by February 14, 2025 at the latest - i.e. with the changeover to the new campus management system of the University of Potsdam (PULS). Thank you for your understanding! +++

Dual Degree Studies and Parallel Studies

Dual Degree Studies (Doppelstudium)

If you are already enrolled in a degree program at the University of Potsdam, you may simultaneously enroll in a second degree program if you intend to earn a degree in both subjects.

Degree programs with limited admission require an admission notification. You have to apply for dual degree studies via your PULS-Account (Submit Applications).

Information on the procedure can be obtained from the Student Administration Center/ Office of Student Affairs.

Parallel Degree Studies (Parallelstudium)

If you are already enrolled at another university in the Federal Republic of Germany and would like to simultaneously earn a degree at the University of Potsdam, you need to additionally apply for a parallel degree program via the University Admissions Portal as part of the enrollment process.

Enrollment in a parallel degree program can only be granted if you intend to earn a degree in both subjects. When seeking to study a combination in which one degree program is without admission limits and the second degree program has limited admission, an admission notification is required for the latter.

If you are already enrolled at the University of Potsdam and want to study at another university at the same time, you must report the parallel studies via your PULS-Account (Submit Applications).

Information on the procedure can be obtained from the Student Administration Center/ Office of Student Affairs.
