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+++ The website is currently being revised. We are making every effort to ensure that the updated information will be available by February 14, 2025 at the latest - i.e. with the changeover to the new campus management system of the University of Potsdam (PULS). Thank you for your understanding! +++

Transferring from Bachelor to Master (Übergang Bachelor-Master)

You are already enrolled at the University of Potsdam and would like to

... continue your studies in a non-teaching Master's degree program.

... continue your studies in the teaching-related Master's degree program in Primary Education, Primary Education with a focus on Inclusive Education, Secondary Level I/II (general education subjects) or Special Needs Education.

... continue your studies in the teaching-related Master's degree program in secondary education stage II (vocational subjects).

Information about Preliminary Enrollment

(Not applicable to continuing education master’s degree programs!)

Due to the amendment of the Brandenburg Higher Education Act (Brandenburgisches Hochschulgesetz - BbgHG) of April 9, 2024, preliminary enrollment in a Master's degree program may be granted if it is not possible to provide proof of completion of the Bachelor's degree by the end of the enrollment deadline (April 15 (for the summer semester) or October 15 (for the winter semester)).

If preliminary enrollment in the Master's degree program is to take place, this must be applied for via your PULS-Account as part of the "Application for beginning studies in a master's degree program". You can be preliminary enrolled in a master's degree program provided that all other enrollment requirements have been met.

Please note: If you fail to submit such proof of a completed bachelor’s degree to the Student Administration Center/ Office of Students Affairs by the end of the first semester of the master’s degree program (March 31 or September 30), enrollment shall be revoked retrospectively. Therefore, please ensure during the preliminary master's enrollment period that you have completed your degree, and ask for advice if there are any uncertainties, i. e. at least 6 weeks before the end of the semester. If you completed your bachelor's degree at the University of Potsdam, then the Student Administration Center/ Examination Office will provide assistance. If your previous degree was obtained at another university, please contact the responsible office of your former university. The Central Student Advisory Service will inform you about possible risks and consequences of a preliminary enrollment in a master’s program.