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University transfers

+++ The website is currently being revised. We are making every effort to ensure that the updated information will be available by February 14, 2025 at the latest - i.e. with the changeover to the new campus management system of the University of Potsdam (PULS). Thank you for your understanding! +++

1. You are already studying at the University of Potsdam and would like to transfer to another university

You have applied to another university, yet are still waiting to be admitted; then you do not need to pay the semester fee for re-registration for the time being.

As soon as you have received notification from your new university - at the latest, however, at the beginning of March for the summer semester or at the end of August for the winter semester - please contact the Student Administration Center/ Office of Student Affairs immediately and inform them:

  • Whether you wish to remain enrolled at the University of Potsdam. You will receive information via PULS about the fees to be paid for re-registration (in case of re-registration after the deadline, there is an administrative fee for late re-registration in the amount of 10€) or
  • Whether you would like to de-register from the University of Potsdam. In this case, you must submit the De-registration Application (use the “Create Applications” link in your PULS account).

If you change universities, we recommend that you de-register at the end of the semester (March 31/ September 30) so that your student status is not interrupted, because the new university will only enroll you with effect from the new semester. If necessary, check with your new university to find out when the semester starts there.  The de-registration certificate, which you need to enroll at your new university, will be issued or sent to you beforehand.

2. You are studying at another university and would like to continue your studies at the University of Potsdam in the same degree program

Bachelor’s Degree (no NC (no restricted admissions))

Bachelor’s Degree (NC UP (restricted admissions))

Master’s Degree

3. You are studying at another university and would like to continue your studies at the University of Potsdam in another degree program

Bachelor (no NC (no restricted admissions))

Bachelor (NC UP (restricted admissions))

Master’s Degree

Important notes

  • Allow processing time in the Examining Board!
    You should plan at least 6 weeks for processing of the application for recognition of credentials and semester placement. A prior consultation with an academic advisor is recommended in order to ensure, among other things, that no significant disadvantages (e.g. extension of study time) result from changing universities.
  • Attention for German financial aid (BAföG) recipients!
    The BAföG office must also be informed of the change and reasons must be given in writing. Under certain conditions, the change of subject can have a negative effect on BAföG funding. Appropriate inquiries should be made beforehand!