+++ The website is currently being revised. We are making every effort to ensure that the updated information will be available by February 14, 2025 at the latest - i.e. with the changeover to the new campus management system of the University of Potsdam (PULS). Thank you for your understanding! +++
De-registration (Exmatrikulation)
De-registration leads to the end of an association with the University of Potsdam. This can be done upon application by the student or officially (see also § 14 of the Registration Regulations of the University of Potsdam).
De-registration by the Student
If you have successfully completed your studies, or will complete your studies by the end of the semester, want to continue studying at another institution of higher education, or want to interrupt your studies for a non-specified amount of time, or want to discontinue your studies, you can submit an application for de-registration via your PULS-Account (Submit Applications).
Retroactive de-registration is not possible. De-registration can take place at the earliest on the day on which the application for de-registration was submitted via your PULS-Account and the PUCK was received by mail. With the de-registration certificate, you will receive the chip card updated with the de-registration date back and can still use it until the de-registration becomes effective.
If you have applied for de-registration at the end of an ongoing semester after the successful re-registration for the next semester, you must also submit the PUCK by mail in addition to submitting the application via your PULS-account. With the de-registration certificate, you will receive the chip card updated with the de-registration date back and can still use it until the de-registration becomes effective.
If you have successfully completed your studies, proof of the completed studies must be uploaded with your application for de-registration.
Due to a change in university, de-registration is recommended at the end of the semester (March 31/September 30) so that your status as a student is not interrupted. This is because the new university will first enroll you effective in the new semester. If necessary, ask your new university when the semester begins. You will receive the de-registration certificate that you will need to enroll at your new new university in advance.
De-registration due to official reasons
De-registration due to official reasons, meaning without an application by the student, is done under § 14 of the Registration Regulations, if
- the final exam, including a repeat exam, was passed to improve a grade, or if an exam was not passed, or if a student has lost the right to examination under the regulations that apply for his or her degree program,
- the disciplinary measure of de-registration was imposed,
- the fees or amounts owed have not been paid despite overdue notices and the threat of de-registration (no re-registration),
- the necessary proof of health insurance was not provided, or
- the student’s studies cannot be continued in any academic program.
- If you have decided for de-registration or against re-registration, please note the regulations regarding your continued right to examination.
The right to examination in a degree program in which a student was formerly registered, according to the Examination Regulations, continues to exist after de-registration, if all coursework and examinations taken during the period of enrollment at the University of Potsdam were registered. You can find additional information on the right to examination after de-registration here. - Please note that you will no longer have access to PULS as of the last working day (Monday – Friday) before the day your de-registration comes into effect. This also means that you will no longer be able to obtain certificates or transcripts of records via PULS. Therefore, please remember to create the relevant documents yourself before your de-registration takes effect, if the de-registration has not already taken effect. After de-registration, you can request these documents from the Office of Student Affairs, but processing will always take some time in this case.
Refund of paid semester fees after de-registration
The possibility of a refund of paid semester fees after de-registration is subject to various rules:
- upon application to the Association for Student Affairs, the amount will be refunded to the Association for Student Affairs if de-registration occurs before the beginning of the semester - for more information, please contact the Potsdam Association for Student Affairs
- upon application to AStA (semester ticket office), the fee for the semester ticket can be refunded - for more information, please contact AStA
- there is no refund of the fee collected at registration and every confirmation in the amount of 51 Euro (§ 15 (2) of the Brandenburg University Act)
- the student body fee of € 15 will not be refunded in accordance with the student body resolution of October 26, 1999.