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Photo: Matthias Friel

Here you will find important information regarding the organization of your studies and exams.

Attention! Current information about the changeover of the University of Potsdam’s Campus Management System (PULS) is available on the linked page.

Welcome to the University of Potsdam. On the following pages you will find all important information and dates for the study start at the University of Potsdam. Good luck!

Course enrollment - part time study - dual & joint degrees - re-registration - leave of absence - transferring from/to another university/changing subject - transferring BA-MA – exmatriculation

Exam administration - right to examination - recognitions - final thesis - documents & certificates - apostilles & legalization - examination committees - individual equality measures

PULS - Potsdamer Universitätslehr- und Studienorganisationsportal - is Potsdam University’s portal for different services to help you plan and organize your studies.

Information on key qualifications that you have to acquire during your studies.

Go here to access the electronic version of the course catalog and to download it as a PDF file.

Closure and elimination of degree programs

Legal principles - general rules and regulations - program-specific study and examination regulations - doctoral program and habilitation regulations

Here you can find all forms and documents that you will need over the course of your studies.

Here you will find everything you need to know about a study or internship abroad.

On the following pages you will learn everything about the costs of studying, how to finance it and information on housing options in Potsdam.

On the following pages, you will find information, offers and contacts, which will help you transition from Bachelor to Master and starting your professional life.