Right to Examination
You only have the right to examination in the degree program in which you are enrolled. Taking courses is also possible if these are not classified in the degree program in which you are enrolled. Registration for examinations and supplementary exam work, however, is limited to the modules that are allocated to the degree program in which you are enrolled. This means that all courses can be completed, yet there is no record of performance.
The following sections provide information on examination deadlines as well as the right to examination after de-registration.
Examination Deadline for University Studies
For students who are studying under study and examination regulations that are based on the BAMA-O as of 2009 or on the basis of the BAMALA-O as of 2013, there is a time limit on their studies that is equal to an examination deadline that is double the standard period of study. This means that university studies must be completed within this examination deadline. Once this examination deadline is reached, the right to examination expires and de-registration becomes officially mandatory.
This rule does not apply to students who are still studying under study and examination regulations that use completion points.
The University of Potsdam is currently preparing the conversion of the Campus Management System and therefore has to reorganize the process for implementing the regulations on examination deadlines in accordance with Section 7a of the BAMA-O/BAMALA-O. Furthermore, the state of Brandenburg has issued the University Pandemic Ordinance, which introduces an individual standard period of study for students who enrolled during the pandemic semesters. In deviation from Section 18 subsection 2 of the Brandenburg Higher Education Act, an individual standard period of study, extended by one semester each, applies.
This affects the calculation of the examination deadline according to Section 7a of the BAMA-O/BAMALA-O. For the reasons mentioned above, the process for implementing the regulations on examination deadlines has to be reorganized. Therefore, the regulations according to Section 7a BAMA-O/BAMALA-O are currently suspended.
This means that the examination deadline for ALL students (regardless of the time at which the individual examination deadline is reached) is being extended generally to September 30, 2026, according to Section 7a of the BAMA-O/BAMALA-O. Based on current knowledge, invitations for Departmental Advising will not be issued until March 2026 at the earliest for those whose examination deadline or already extended examination deadline is September 30, 2026.
Even if decisions have already been made regarding extensions, with deadlines already reached or deadlines of September 30, 2026 there are no consequences for your university studies.
Nevertheless, we would like to encourage you to examine your degree program and plan for the completion of your individual course of studies. A series of existing counseling services at the Central Student Advisory Service can support you in the successful conclusion of your studies.
If the regulations of Section 7a of the BAMA-O / BAMALA-O are applied again, all affected students are invited to consult with their departmental advisors, regardless of whether they have already received an invitation or if an individual extension has been granted.
For calculation of the double standard period of study in combined degree program regulations
If the standard period of study is 6 semesters, then the double standard period of study is 12 semesters. Whether you have reached this deadline depends on the course of your studies. Please pay careful attention to cases in which changing degree programs results in a different number of semesters in both subjects of study. Dual-subject bachelor’s degree programs have a standard period of study of at least 6 semesters, As a consequence, the credit points required to complete the subjects (including key competences and a bachelor’s thesis for the first subject) must be completed by the end of the 12th semester for the relevant subject. The following examples are meant to serve as illustrations:
First /second subject | Semester | Performance level | Verlängerung |
Student 1 | |||
First subject | 12th semester | 90 LP+ 30 LP (KC) incl. BA thesis | No extension necessary |
Student 2 | |||
First subject | 12th semester | 90 CP+ 30 CP (KC) incl. BA thesis | No extension necessary |
Student 3 | |||
First subject | 12th semester | 81 CP+ 30 CP (KC) incl. BA thesis | Departmental advising with extension required |
Please note that, for two-subject bachelor degree programs, key competences (KC) and the final thesis must be allocated to the first subject. These fields of study must also be completed within the examination deadline.
Possibilities for extension
There is a possibility to extend this examination deadline if you realize that you cannot complete your degree or your subject requirements before the expiration of this deadline.
Departmental Advising
The formal requirement for such an extension is to participate in department advising with a University instructor.
The purpose of this departmental advising is to make an agreement regarding the course of your studies with a two-semester extension of the examination deadline. The extension of the examination deadline, which is connected with the agreement regarding the course of your studies, can only be granted if it is conceivable that, within these two semesters, you can successfully complete your subject requirements or the examinations required for your degree program.
The agreement regarding the course of your studies, which mandates that you complete any missing elements within two semesters, must be signed by the chair of the Examining Board, or their authorized representative, or a University instructor commissioned by the Examining Board.
Affected students will be invited explicitly to this departmental advising, typically one semester before reaching the examination deadline.
If, despite this invitation, the affected students do not undergo departmental advising, then their right to examination expires upon the expiration of the examination deadline, resulting in de-registration under Section 14 subsection 5 sentence 1 no. 2 of the Brandenburg Higher Education Act (BbgHG). The same also applies unfortunately if, during the course of the advising meeting, it becomes clear that an extension cannot be considered.
When an agreement regarding the course of studies and its associated extension is concluded, then the student is obligated to finish their studies within these two additional semesters. The right to examination continues in these cases for the duration of the extension. If he or she cannot comply with this agreement, then the right to examination expires upon expiration of the extension, and official de-registration is the result.
Further Extension Due to Hardship
If unforeseen circumstances (hardship) within the extension period lead to an inability to complete the degree program despite the extension, then the student can apply to the Examining Board for another extension. In such cases, another invitation to an advising meeting is not issued. The student must apply on their own to the Examining Board for an extension. In such cases, the Examining Board grants an extension without the conclusion of a agreement regarding the course of studies in a way that is appropriate for the respective hardship case. Such hardship cases are in particular:
- Long-term, chronic illnesses or disabilities that must be documented by a physician’s note,
- Periods of maternity leave,
- Parental leave, or
- Times at which relatives, spouses, or life partners require care.
You must submit those documents that make your case for a hardship application credible. A physician’s note is required for illnesses or disabilities.
Hardship During Studies
If you are unable to meet the examination deadline during your studies due to circumstances which are beyond your control, then please notify the Departmental Advisory Office as soon as possible upon receiving your invitation to departmental advising, or at the latest in the advising meeting. The Examining Board can extend the examination deadline in such cases by a reasonable time. Such hardship cases also include illnesses or times in which you must care for relatives. You must submit those documents that make your case for a hardship application credible. A physician’s note is required for illnesses or disabilities.
Please note in this context that an extension cannot be considered if the hardship has already been compensated for by other means. Extensions on the basis of hardship will in particular not be considered for hardship cases which result in leaves of absence.
An agreement regarding the course of studies cannot be made in such cases.
If, after the expiration of this extension, you have not completed your studies, then you must undergo departmental advising as described above, or you must apply for another extension if the hardship circumstances continue.
Special features of expiring degree programs
For degree programs or subjects of study that have been abolished as of the winter semester 2018/19, it is possible to extend the right to examination, at most, to the respective standard time for completing the degree or subject, plus an additional ten semesters beginning at the time of the program’s cancellation.
Timing of an Extension
If you receive an extension, this must, in the ideal case, be submitted during the re-registration period in the Division of Student Affairs in the Student Administration Center/ Office of Student Affairs.
Consequences Without Extension
If you do not receive an extension, you cannot register for the semester that begins after the expiration of your right to examination. Then de-registration takes place.
Right to Examination after De-registration
Find out more on the following pages about the right to examination after de-registration has been completed.