Double Degree Programs
The University of Potsdam offers several courses of study in cooperation with international partner institutions. We make a distinction between joint degree and double degree programs.
A joint degree program is a course of study shared by two or more universities that requires a stay abroad. The student receives a shared degree certificate upon successful completion of the program.
A double degree program includes two separate courses of study carried out at cooperating universities. The student completes parts of the academic program at both universities, and these courses are credited at the other institution. At the end of a double degree program, both universities confer their own degree certificates.
- Angewandte Kultur- und Translationsstudien (deutsch-polnisch) | Ein-Fach-Bachelor
University of Potsdam | Maria-Curie-Skłodowska-University Lublin
- Deutsch-Französischer Masterstudiengang Rechtswissenschaften | Master
Universität Potsdam | Universität Paris Nanterre
- Deutsch-Französischer Studiengang Rechtswissenschaften
As part of the undergraduate program in Law (Rechtswissenschaft) with the degree First Legal Examination / Bachelor of Laws University of Potsdam | University Paris Nanterre
- Economic Policy and Quantitative Methods (EPQM) | Master
University of Potsdam | University of Rennes
- Germanistik | Master
University of Potsdam | University Bordeaux Montaigne (if you choose the module "Internationale Literaturwissenschaft")
- Internationale angewandte Kulturwissenschaft und Kultursemiotik | Master
University of Potsdam | University of Turin
- International War Studies | Master
University of Potsdam | University College Dublin
- Master of European Governance and Administration (MEGA) | Master
University of Potsdam | Humboldt University of Berlin | German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer | University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne | National School of Administration Strasbourg
- Osteuropäische Kulturstudien | Master
University of Potsdam | University of Warsaw (if you choose the main focus "Internationale Ostmitteleuropa-Studien: Polen/Belarus/Ukraine")