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Computer Science Master's Programs at the University of Potsdam

Hands on Laptop
Photo: Matthias Friel

Specialized Fields

Julius Höfler, alumnus

„Since I started studying at the Department of Computer Science, I've been able to acquire all kinds of abilities and skills. Alongside specialized skills, the department also fosters social competencies such as teamwork. I especially appreciate the familial atmosphere and the lecturer's permanent receptiveness to questions and issues. With the knowledge I gained there, I've felt well-prepared for my master's program in Computational Science, which can be seen as the link between computer science and the ‘hard' sciences.“


The master's degree program in bioinformatics combines the life science and computer science programs at the University of Potsdam. It is an interdisciplinary, research-oriented master's degree program with practical applications, which imparts scientific insights on the ways in which living cells and organisms function, the interactions between organisms, and their interaction with the inanimate environment. The focus here is on a systems biology perspective, dedicated especially to the integration of molecular biological data and the modeling of complex biological systems. Further priorities are the use of bioinformatics methods in breeding high-yielding plants as well as in identifying the mechanisms of action of small molecules and their pharmacological applications.


Before entering the master's degree program in Bioinformatics, you should have completed an undergraduate degree in life sciences, computer science, IT systems engineering, or a similar discipline. You can find the precise requirements for admission here.

Cognitive Systems: Language, Learning and Reasoning

The English-language interdisciplinary master's degree program in Cognitive Systems: Language, Learning, and Reasoning is focused on researching and modeling cognitive processes using computers. The program centers on topics in computational linguistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The degree program teaches comprehensive, substantive skills in computer science and computational linguistics along with discipline-specific and interdisciplinary methods. The degree program is co-run by the Department of Linguistics and the Department of Computer Science.


If you are interested in scientific and logical relationships, fascinated by language, and eager to teach computers intelligent behavior, the master's program in Cognitive Systems: Language, Learning, and Reasoning is right for you. You need a bachelor's degree in computer science, computational linguistics, linguistics, or a comparable subject relevant to the program. You can find the precise requirements for admission here.

Computational Science

The master's degree program in Computational Science is a research-oriented computer science program geared to mathematical and scientific applications. It is conducted by the Department of Computer Science together with a network of cooperating departments. The program is suitable for holders of a bachelor's degree in computer science or another scientific field.  The degree program permits you to choose individual specialty areas within computer science in the subfields of bioinformatics, computational chemistry, theoretical physics, geoinformatics, or cognitive neuroscience and familiarizes you with the latest research in the field.


The master's degree program in Computational Science is suitable for holders of a bachelor's degree in computer science or another scientific field who want to deepen their computer science skills. If you would like to pursue a degree and that acquaints you with the latest state of research on a specialty area within computer science or at the intersection with a branch of science, this is right degree program for you. You can find the precise requirements for admission here.

Computer Science

One degree program – many opportunities! The master’s degree program in Computer Science is characterized by its many practical components and interdisciplinarity. With a choice of six different tracks, students can specialize in a specific IT topic of their choice and also have the opportunity to develop their professional skills and foster international networks for their future career path. At the Hasso Plattner Institute, students benefit from a good student/teacher ratio, a modern and green lakeside campus, and excellent contact opportunities in business and research.


The Master's program in Computer Science is aimed at graduates with a bachelor's degree in a related field of computer science, if it fulfills the central subject-specific requirements for the master’s degree program in Computer Science. These are, for example, knowledge and experience of theoretical computer science, software development and programming languages, linear algebra and stochastics as well as computer engineering.You can find the precise requirements for admission here.

Patrick Wolfien, student in the master's in Computational Science

„I especially appreciate the learning environment of the Computer Science program at the University of Potsdam. Thanks to the typically small class sizes, there is time to address the student's individual issues. Even outside the framework of lectures, tutorials, and labs, the professors and staff are always receptive to the students' issues. So I feel like I am ideally expanding my knowledge over the years.“

Data Science

The interdisciplinary degree program in Data Science deals with methods for using data to automatically produce knowledge, insight, and models for prognosis, risk, and action. The master's degree program, which is offered in English, combines machine learning, statistical data analysis, natural scientific methods of data assimilation, and business analytics. The degree program offers broad and interdisciplinarily structured training in methods and is characterized by a strong connection to practice and research. It is conducted by the departments of Computer Science and Mathematics together with a network of cooperating institutions. The University of Potsdam is a leading center of research in data science. For example, the special “data assimilation” research area investigates the integration of data and scientific modeling into cognitive neuroscience, biology, and the geosciences.


The master's degree program in Data Science is suitable for holders of a bachelor's degree in computer science or mathematics as well as for graduates with a degree in business informatics or a branch of the natural sciences as long as the undergraduate degree strongly emphasized content from the areas of computer science or mathematics. You can find the precise requirements for admission here

Digital Health

The master's degree program in Digital Health imparts fundamental concepts and methods of IT systems engineering, data engineering, elementary medicine, and an understanding of health care systems. Students will acquire skills related to the analysis, design, and implementation of complex and secure IT systems and infrastructures in the health care sector. Furthermore, they will deal with ethical questions and legal particularities that are relevant to the design of health systems. Digital Health is oriented towards students of information sciences and medicine who want to become highly qualified experts in the health sector at the interface between IT, information science, and medicine.


The interdisciplinary, English-language master's degree program is suitable for holders of a bachelor's degree in a subject relevant to the program, such as IT systems engineering, computer science, bioinformatics, medicine, medical science, or pharmacology. You can find the precise requirements for admission here.

IT Systems Engineering

The master's program in IT Systems Engineering at the Hasso Plattner Institute enables students to design, plan, and implement large, highly complex, and networked IT systems. The degree is an innovative, practical, and university-based computer science program. It stands out for its engineering focus, its promotion of soft skills, and the early, intensive incorporation of practical industrial projects.


The chief specialized prerequisite for the master's degree program in IT Systems Engineering are skills and experience in the basics of IT Systems Engineering or computer science, especially the concepts, methods/methodology, standards, and practice of analyzing, planning, and constructing complex IT systems as well as experience in the work processes of creating complex IT systems. You can find the precise requirements for admission here.

Applicants must demonstrate language skills in English corresponding to at least level C1 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages. The subject-specific admission requirements can be found in the respective admission regulations.

Wirtschaftsinformatik und Digitale Transformation

The research-oriented master's degree program in Wirtschaftsinformatik und Digitale Transformation embarks on an individualized, purposeful exploration of the technical and technology-induced economic changes wrought by the digital transformation. This degree program takes an interdisciplinary approach combining the fields of business informatics, computer science, business studies, and administrative sciences. Beginning in winter semester 2017–18, the University of Potsdam is the first university in Germany to offer a master's degree program in Wirtschaftsinformatik und Digitale Transformation. With a modern concept bringing together a research orientation, flexible content, and interdisciplinary approach, this program educates the Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) and Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of the future's digital economy and society.


The general prerequisite for the master's degree program is a bachelor's degree or equivalent undergraduate university degree in a program in business informatics, computer science, business studies, administration and governance, or political science. In addition, you must have completed at least 24 credit points in business informatics or computer science. 

In order to participate in the Wirtschaftsinformatik und Digitale Transformation master's degree program, you will also need English skills commensurate with the C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. You can find the precise requirements for admission here.


Central Student Advisory Service

University of Potsdam | Division of Student Affairs


Campus Am Neuen Palais
Building 8, Room 0.12 - 0.16

Informatik as a Teaching Degree for Secondary Education Stages I and II (general education subjects)

At the Department of Computer Science, you can study computer science as a subject in the teacher-training master's degree program for Secondary School (Sekundarstufe) I and II culminating in a Master of Education degree.

Informatik as a Teaching Degree for Secondary Education Stage II (vocational subjects)

At the Department of Computer Science, you can study computer science as a subject in the teacher-training master's degree program for Secondary School (Sekundarstufe) II (vocational subjects) culminating in a Master of Education degree.

Applying for Computer Science Master's Degree Programs

Have you decided to pursue a master's degree in Computational Science; Cognitive Systems: Language, Learning, and Reasoning; IT Systems Engineering; Wirtschaftsinformatik und Digitale Transformation, or Bioinformatics at the University of Potsdam?  Then you should take the next step and get more information about the current application and enrollment procedures at the application website.


Central Student Advisory Service

University of Potsdam | Division of Student Affairs


Campus Am Neuen Palais
Building 8, Room 0.12 - 0.16