Binational doctorate | Cotutelle procedure
Whether you are pursuing an individual doctorate or participating in a structured Ph.D. program; it might make sense to conduct a Cotutelle-de-Thèse procedure under certain circumstances. You will spend a substantial part of your time working on the doctoral thesis at a (partner) university abroad, where your second supervisor will guide you in your work. In the final stages, a doctorate will be conferred by both universities after an oral defense of your dissertation project.
Who is particularly suited for a Cotutelle procedure?
What is the exact course of events for the Cotutelle procedure?
The faculties of the University of Potsdam are responsible for carrying out the Ph.D. projects and for providing subject-specific advising. If you have questions regarding the procedure, please refer to the responsible contacts in the Office of the Dean in charge of your project.
Details regarding admission and enrollment, the different doctoral degrees and other prerequisites are regulated by the regulations for a doctoral degree of the Faculties or the structured Ph.D. programs.