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Application Master

Studienangebot Master Sommersemester 2023 Coverbild

Available Programs of Study – Master (PDF)

Catalog for all programs of study leading to a master’s degree currently available at the University of Potsdam. It includes important information regarding application, admission, and registration.

We are pleased that you are interested in a master's degree at the University of Potsdam. Applying to a master's degree program takes place in various ways, depending on the degree program in which you are interested. It is the end point of a process and requires long-term planning. Our page Paths to the Master's Degree: Preparation and Application offers a first impression, what your preparation and application might entail.

Please select your desired study program for specific application information!

Consecutive Master's Degree Programs

Degree ProgramApplication deadlines for
Winter Semester 2025/2026
Application deadlines for
Summer Semester 2026
 1st semesteradvanced  semester 1st semesteradvanced semester
Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft und KultursemiotikAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Anglophone Modernities in Literature and CultureJune 1st, 2025August 15, 2025December 1, 2025February 15, 2026
AstrophysicsAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
BetriebswirtschaftslehreAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
BioinformaticsAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Chemistry of Functional Molecules and MaterialsAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
Clinical Exercise ScienceAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Climate, Earth, Water, SustainabilityAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Cognitive ScienceJune 1st, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Cognitive Systems: Language, Learning and ReasoningJune 1st, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Computational ScienceAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
Computer ScienceJune 1st, 2025August 15, 2025December 1, 2025February 15, 2026
Deutsch-Französischer Masterstudiengang RechtswissenschaftenSeptember 15, 2025Application not possibleApplication not possibleMarch 15, 2026
Data ScienceJune 1st, 2025June 1st, 2025Application not possibleDecember 1, 2025
Digital HealthJune 1st, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Digitale BildungAugust 15, 2025Application not possibleApplication not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Ecology, Evolution and ConservationAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
Economic Policy and Quantitative MethodsJune 1st, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
ErnährungswissenschaftAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Europäische Medienwissenschaften

July 15, 2025

August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Frühkindliche BildungsforschungAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleJanuary 15, 2026
GeökologieAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
GeosciencesAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
GermanistikAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
GeschichtswissenschaftenAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Integrative Sport-, Bewegungs- und GesundheitswissenschaftApplication not possibleAugust 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
Internationale Beziehungensee program website Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
International Experimental and Clinical Linguistics (IECL)August 15, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
International War StudiesJuly 15, 2025July 15, 2025Application not possibleJanuary 15, 2026
Jüdische StudienAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
Jüdische TheologieAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
Linguistics: Empirical and Theoretical FoundationsAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Linguistik im Kontext: Erwerb - Kommunikation-MehrsprachigkeitAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
MathematicsAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
National and International Administration and PolicyJune 1st, 2025August 15, 2025December 1, 2025February 15, 2026
Osteuropäische KulturstudienAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
PhilosophieAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
PhysikAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
PolitikwissenschaftJune 1st, 2025August 15, 2025December 1, 2025February 15, 2026
Polymer ScienceApril 30, 2025April 30, 2025October 31, 2025October 31, 2025
Psychologie mit den Schwerpunkten Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie oder Kognition und VerhaltenJune 1st, 2025June 1st, 2025Application not possibleDecember 1, 2025
Psychologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Klinische Psychologie und PsychotherapieJune 1st, 2025June 1st, 2025Application not possibleDecember 1, 2025
Psychologische Bildungsforschung*August 15, 2025Application not possibleApplication not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Public Health, Exercise, and NutritionAugust 15, 2025Application not possibleApplication not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Remote Sensing, geoInformation and VisualizationAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Romanische PhilologieAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
SoziologieAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
ToxicologyJune 1st, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Vergleichende Literatur- und KunstwissenschaftAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
VerwaltungswissenschaftAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026
War and Conflict StudiesJune 1st, 2025August 15, 2025Application not possibleFebruary 15, 2026
Wirtschaftsinformatik und Digitale TransformationJune 1st, 2025August 15, 2025December 1, 2025February 15, 2026
ZeitgeschichteAugust 15, 2025August 15, 2025February 15, 2026February 15, 2026

Continuing Education Master's Degree Programs

Degree ProgramApplication deadlines for
Winter Semester 2025/26
Application deadlines for
Summer Semester 2026
Demografieorientiertes Sport- und GesundheitsmanagementAugust 31, 2025Febraury 15, 2026
European Film Business and Law (LL.M.)visit program pageApplication for 1st semester not possible
European Film Business and Law (MBA)visit program pageApplication for 1st semester not possible
General Management (MBA)June 1, 2025Application for 1st semester not possible
Intercultural Communication and Management June 1, 2025Application for 1st semester not possible
Master of Business Administration (MBA)visit program pagevisit program page
Master of European Governance and Administration (MEGA)visit program pagevisit program page
Medienrecht und -management- Digital Media Law and Management (LL.M.)visit program pageApplication for 1st semester not possible
Medienrecht und -management - Digital Media Law and Management (MBA)visit program pageApplication for 1st semester not possible
Rechtswissenschaften | Magister Legum September 30, 2025March 31, 2026
Schul- und BildungsmanagementMarch 31, 2025September 30, 2025
SteuerrechtJuly 31, 2025Application for 1st semester not possible
Unternehmens- und SteuerrechtJuly 31, 2025January 31, 2026

* subject to the approval  by the MWFK