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Advising and Services

Advising situation
Photo: Matthias Friel

A variety of different institutions at our university are available to answer your questions about studying in Potsdam. This page will provide you with an overview of the different points of contact and who can answer your specific questions. Should you ever happen to contact the wrong place, they will be happy to direct you to the correct contact person.

Please consult the websites for our advisory and service institutions regarding short-term changes in office hours.

Direct your request to only one of the institution listed below. We will ensure that your request is passed on to the appropriate addressee if necessary. That will help us to reduce the processing time of the inquiries. Thank you.

Questions and Information...

... on choosing a degree program and on study requirements, program content and specializations

... on studying without a higher education entrance qualification from a secondary school

... on studies or internships abroad

... on studying with a higher education entrance qualification from abroad

... on student status, examinations, and examination administration

... on the transition from bachelor's to master's studies, a doctorate, or a career/starting a business

... on difficulties and challenges related to your studies or to personal issues

... in case of conflict situations and any form of discrimination, bullying, stalking, racism

... on the social (financing, childcare, housing, dining halls and cafeterias) and technological framework conditions for studying