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University Admission for Vocationally Qualified Applicants without University Entrance Qualifications

Studierende im IKMZ in Golm
Photo: Matthias Friel

Have you attained a vocational qualification, but not a high-school certificate qualifying for university admission and do you think about studying at a university? Are you working and want to continue your education? At the University of Potsdam, you are entitled to study without university entrance qualifications according to the Brandenburg Higher Education Act.

Grafik zur Beschreibung des Prozesses
Photo: ZSB / ZIM

Three steps towards your studies:

Step 1: What kind of vocational qualifications do you have? Please check if your vocational qualifications match one of the listed types of university entrance qualifications for vocationally qualified individuals according to the Brandenburg Higher Education Act. (see: Info-Grafik)

Step 2: If you have attained one of the listed vocational qualifications and would like to apply at the University of Potsdam, you can submit an application to determine a university entrance qualification (PDF) for the University of Potsdam at any time. The assessment procedure determines whether you are qualified to enter the University on the basis of the vocational qualifications you have attained according to section 10 subsection 2 no. 6 to 11 of the Brandenburg Higher Education Act (BbgHG).

Step 3: If you have a general or subject-specific university entray qualification, you can either apply for admission or enrollment in your choosen degree program or in a specialized degree program at the University of Potsdam.

GRAPHICS | Studying with a vocational qualification at the University of Potsdam (PDF)

Info Flyer (PDF)

Grafik zur Beschreibung des Prozesses
Photo: ZSB / ZIM

Types of university entrance qualifications for vocationally qualified individuals

FAQ on studies with vocational qualification

1. What documents do I need to submit with my application to determine a university entrance qualification? Can I submit the application digitally?

2. Can I study at the University of Potsdam without a general university entrance qualification (allgemeine Hochschulreife) and without an entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife) with my vocational qualification?

3. Can I study anything I want at the University of Potsdam with my vocational qualification?

4. I was accepted at a Berlin university with my vocational qualification; will this also count at the University of Potsdam?

5. Does the University of Potsdam have a quota for vocationally qualified applicants in the admissions process?

6. Can I study at the University of Potsdam with my entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife)?

7. Why do I need a grade point average?

8. Can I study part-time while working?

9. I have a family; can I still study at the university?

10. I have an impairment and want to study, how can I do that?

Important Information

  • Application for university entrance qualification in the time period between September 16th - May 31st: once filled out and signed, can be submitted with the required documents to the Central Student Advisory Service via E-Mail or post. Application for admission and/or application for enrollment must then take place independent of the procedure for determining university entrance qualification in order to be allocated a place to study at the University of Potsdam.
  • Application for university entrance qualification during the application period from June 1st until July 15th: You can upload a scanned copy of the completed and signed application together with the required documents for an application for admission in the University Admissions Portal (Studienplatz-Portal).
  • Application for university entrance qualificationduring the enrollment period from August 15th until September 15th: The completed and signed application together with the required documents for an application for enrollment should be uploaded in the University Admissions Portal (Studienplatz-Portal).

Please note: The outcome of assessing university entrance qualifications is based on section 10 subsection 2 no. 6 to 11 of the Brandenburg Higher Education Act (BbgHG) and is binding only for the University of Potsdam.


Central Student Advisory Service

Student advising for potential students with vocational qualifications


Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
Building 8, Room 0.13


consulting hours
by appointment