Master's Degree Application 1st Semester entry via uni-assist e.V.
We are pleased that you have decided to pursue a master's degree at the University of Potsdam!
If you apply for a master's degree program, we will review whether your professional qualifications fulfill the requirements for master's studies in your chosen program. An application must be submitted for consecutive master's degree programs, regardless of whether they are with or without admission restrictions.
In our course catalogue you can check if your desired master’s program is admission-restricted. Please note that you can apply for some degree programs only either for the summer or the winter semester. Please review the course catalogue to see whether it is possible to submit an application for a first semester in your desired master’s program for the winter and/or summer.
Special Note: Prospective Students who were/are enrolled in a master's degree program
News and Updates for the Application and Admission Process Summer Semester 2025
1. Application phase for winter semester and summer semester intake
Online applications for our master’s degree programs are only possible within the subject-specific application deadlines. The master’s degrees offered at the University of Potsdam for first semester entry are being activated on April 01 for the winter semester and on November 01 for the summer semester. To find out what are the specific application deadlines, please consult the list of the master’s degree programs.
The application phase for our Summer semester 2025 intake will start on November 1, 2024. From November 1, 2024 to the respective subject-specific application deadline you can submit your application for admission via uni-assist e.V.
The application deadlines are limitation periods and mandatory. Your application must be received by uni-assist in the required form by the application deadline. The date and and timestamp of submission of your online application form is determinative.
After the deadline has passed, it is no longer possible to submit an application or to submit additional documents.
You do not incur any handling fees when applying for a master’s degree at the University of Potsdam via uni-assist.
For technical reasons, the uni-assist e.V. application portal will not be accessible from February 7th to 10th, 2025. Please take the accessiblity of this portal into account when planning your application for admission to our Summer Semester 2025. The application deadline for consecutive master's degree programs with open admission status is February 15, 2025.
2. Online Application via uni-assist e.V. - Step by Step
Preparation: Get information about the general and subject-specific admission requirements of your desired master’s degree program on our website Paths to the Master’s Degree.
Step 1: Create your application account at uni-assist e.V.
Register for the uni-assist portal and answer the basic questions. Please note that you must enter a current address for the postal delivery of decision notices to you!
Step 2: Apply online via uni-assist e.V.
You can find and select your preferred master's program via the search function. Use the list to get to the online form. Please follow the instructions and send your online application form electronically to uni-assist. You can upload your application supporting documents such as a transcript of records or proof of language proficiency as detailed under point 3 of this page in the designated upload areas of your online application form.
You submit your online application by sending your online application form to uni-assist e.V. via their payment function. You will not be charged processing fees.
Please note that in order for your application to be considered submitted in time, you need to have sumbitted your online application form plus all required supporting documents (see point 3. Application Documents) by the end of the application deadline 11:59 PM CET/CEST. The date and timestamp of your submission is determinative.
Step 3: Adding missing or additional documents via your uni-assist e.V. account
If you like to add new application supporting documents such as an updated transcript of records, you can add them via your personal documents folder of your uni-assist account after you submitted your online application form. They will be processed by uni-assist e.V. accordingly.
Note that application supporting documents can only be considered which were uploaded by the end of the application deadline 11:59
PM CET/CEST. The date of the upload and timestamp is determinative.
Please make sure to not send applications and supporting documents directly to the University of Potsdam. Applications directly submitted to the University of Potsdam by post or via email will not be processed and not be considered.
No documents need to be send via post to uni-assist e.V. All required documents must only be uploaded as a pdf.
What happens next? You submitted your online application and all other supporting documents in the required format ? Then we recommend you consult our page Paths to the Master's Degree to learn about how your application will be processed and approximately when you will receive a response.
3. Application Documents
When you apply for a first semester, the following documents must be submitted as pdf via your online application form or via your personal documents folder of your uni-assist account:
1. Proof of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent first degree from a higher education institution by submitting your certificate of completion and your diploma. If applicable, also submit your diploma supplement.
If your diploma does not show proof of our subject-specific academic admission requirements, please submit a confirmation of your modules completed and credit points acquired (e.g. module performance overview, transcript of records) in addition to your certificate of completion and your diploma.
For an application without a formally completed degree, the following minimum number of credit points must be documented at the time of application with a current transcript of records or confirmation issued by the institution of higher education regarding the current total number of credit points achieved up to that point:
- at least 140 credit points for bachelor’s degree programs with a total of 180 credit points
- at least 170 credit points for bachelor’s degree programs with a total of 210 credit points
- at least 200 credit points for bachelor’s degree programs with a total of 240 credit points
2. Evidece of the content and structure of your academic training. This can be, for example, module catalogs, study and examination regulations or a syllabus.
3. If applicable, translations by a sworn translator. If your academic transcripts were issued in a language other than German or English, a translation of these documents by a sworn translator must also be uploaded via the admission and enrollment portal.
4. If applicable, a placement notification for first semester entry issued by the Chair of the Examining Board of the degree program. In addition you are required to submit documents which confirm periods of enrollment and semesters of enrollment in a master's degree program or in an equivalent academic program.
In order to learn more about the placement notification and under what circumstances it is necessary we recommend you read the section Application Documents and Transfer to the University of Potsdam and Change of Degree Program of our Frequently Asked Questions page. Application for admission to an advanced semester with a respective placement notice must be submitted directly to the Chair of the Examining Board of the master's degree program.
5. A complete and up-to-date CV in tabular format from the 16th year of your life which includes all periods you were enrolled at an institution of higher education. That includes ongoing, interrupted and formally completed study periods.
6. If applicable, evidence of the change of names by presenting a copy of the offical certificate about the name change (for example marriage certificate).
7. Additional program-specific documentation for each master’s degree program
Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft und Kultursemiotik
Anglophone Modernities in Literature and Culture
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Climate, Earth, Water, Sustainability
Clinical Exercise Science
Cognitive Science
Cognitive Systems: Language, Learning and Reasoning
Computational Science
Computer Science
Data Science
Digital Health
Ecology, Evolution and Conservation
Economic Policy and Quantitative Methods
Integrative Sport-, Bewegungs- und Gesundheitswissenschaft
International Experimental and Clinical Linguistics (IECL)
IT-Systems Engineering
Jüdische Studien
Jüdische Theologie
Linguistics: Empirical and Theoretical Foundations
Linguistik im Kontext: Erwerb - Kommunikation - Mehrsprachigkeit
National and International Administration and Policy
Osteuropäische Kulturstudien
Psychologie mit den Schwerpunkten Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie oder Kognition und Verhalten
Psychologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Remote Sensing, geoInformation and Visualization
Romanische Philologie
Vergleichende Literatur- und Kunstwissenschaft
War and Conflict Studies
Wirtschaftsinformatik und Digitale Transformation
* subject to approval by the MWFK
Advisory Office for Master's Application and Admission
Julia Schindler; Sarah Konc
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
House 8, Room 1.08
consulting hours
only with appointment