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Paths to the Master's Degree: Preparation and Application

A successful application for one of our master's degree programs is the end point of a process and requires long-term planning. We recommend that you start your preparation one year or two semesters before your planned application. In this way you can ensure that you are able to acquire important skills which are considered to be the technical or linguistic prerequisites for your desired course of study before the respective application begins. On the following page we have summarized the process of applying for a master's degree.

Preparation phase I 12 - 9 months prior to application

12 to 9 months before the planned Master's application you should start with the preparations. In addition to the subject and language requirements, international prospective students must also comply with the entry regulations for Germany.

Information on the choice of studies and admission requirements

Additional information for international applicants who need a visa or residence permit to study (at the University of Potsdam)

Application and admission phase | from April 1 (for the Winter Semester) & from November 1 (for the Summer Semester)

The start of your application represents the end of your preparations. If you submit your application at the beginning of the application period, it may be possible to submit missing documents later. We differentiate between open admission and restricted admission programs.

Open admission (no NC): If a program has an open admission status (no NC), all applicants will be admitted to the program if they have applied in time and in the right form and fulfill the entry requirements.

Restrictions on Admission (NC UP): Only a certain number of students can be enrolled into a program of study with a numerus clausus, i.e. restrictions on admission (NC UP). If the number of applicants is larger than the number of spaces allotted for a specific program of study, then a selection process occurs on the basis of the legal framework.

Whether your desired program has a restricted or an open admission status, is published on our course catalog.

Open-admission master's programs (NC-free subjects)

Restricted admission master's programs (NC Subjects)

Enrollment phase | starts August 15 (for the Winter Semester 2024/25) & February 15 (for the Summer Semester 2025)

Winter Semester 2024/25:  August 15 - October 15,2024
Summer Semester 2025: February 15  - April 15, 2024

You will receive a letter of admission once you have been admitted to a master's degree program. After examining your application documents and carrying out the admission procedure, notices will be sent by the relevant Examination Board. Those who have received a notification of admission will receive further information on how to enroll. As a rule, enrollment is done online and by subsequently sending all required documents to the University of Potsdam. If your documents are complete, you will receive a notice by e-mail regarding payment and the semester fee.

Information for bachelor's graduates from the University of Potsdam who begin their master's studies directly after their bachelor's degree.

General Advising for Prospective and Current Students

University of Potsdam | Devision of Student Affairs


Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
Building 8
Rooms 0.12 - 0.16


consulting hours
See main page

Advising for International Prospective Students (visa, accomodation, Buddy Program)


Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
Haus 8, Raum 0.37


consulting hours
See main page

Advising on Master's application and admission process

Julia Schindler; Sarah Konc


Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam
Haus 8


consulting hours