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Staff and Contacts

Welcome to the Student Administration Center/ Examination Office at the University of Potsdam. Before you send your request to the staff of the Student Administration Center/ Examination Office, please check in advance which team is responsible for your degree program or your request.

Important information on office hours and availability

  • For inquiries to the Student Administration Center/ Examination Office, we recommend contact by e-mail: pruefungsamtuni-potsdamde or the contact form.
  • The submission of forms and documents to the Student Administration Center/ Examination Office is done via your PULS-Account (Create applications / Upload documents). If you do not have access to the PULS campus management system, please send your documents to the Student Administration Center/ Examination Office by e-mail.
  • The personal consultation time in the Student Administration Center/ Examination Office serves exclusively to clarify specific or complex questions regarding your performance status (what we call account clarification). Documents will not be accepted. For more information on submitting documents, please refer here to the section “Submission of forms and documents.”
  • For other or general questions, please use the telephone office hours if your inquiry cannot be clarified by e-mail. It is not possible to reach us by telephone outside of our telephone consultation hours.

Please address your concerns to the person responsible for your degree program!

  • The Service Center of the Student Administration Center/ Examination Office is responsible for providing graduation documents and TAN lists. You will be informed as soon as your graduation documents are ready to be picked up. 
Team 1 | Am Neuen Palais, Building 08, Room 0.44
Stephanie KupkePhone: +49 331 977-1349
Manuela LischkePhone: +49 331 977-1567
Degree    Subjects
Single-subject Bachelor / Master
(aside from teaching degree programs)
  • All subjects in the Faculty of Science
  • All subjects in Economics
  • Master of Science Public Health, Exercise and Nutrition
Monday10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon (by telephone only)

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon (in person in the Student Administration Center/ Examination Office)

01:00 p.m.  - 03:00 p.m. (by telephone only)

Team 2 | Am Neuen Palais, Building 08, Room 0.46/0.47
Mara BartuschPhone: +49 331 977-1388
Tobias MehlisPhone: +49 331 977-1852
Single-subject Bachelor / Master
(aside from teaching degree programs)
  • All subjects in the Faculty of Arts
  • All subjects in the Social Sciences
  • All subjects in the Faculty of Human Sciences (except Psychology and Cognitive Science)
Dual-subject Bachelor
(aside from teaching degree programs)   
All subject combinations
Monday10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon (by telephone only)

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon (in person in the Student Administration Center/ Examination Office)

01:00 p.m.  - 03:00 p.m. (by telephone only)

Team 3 | Am Neuen Palais, Building 08, Room 0.48
Beate FeßlerPhone: +49 331 977-4129
Sylvia KühnPhone: +49 331 977-1651
Bachelor / Master
(teaching degree programs)
All subjects
Single-subject Bachelor / Master
(aside from teaching degree programs)
  • Psychology
  • Cognitive Science
Monday10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon (by telephone only)

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon (in person in the Student Administration Center/ Examination Office)

01:00 p.m. - 03:00 p.m. (by telephone only)

Service Center | Am Neuen Palais, Building 08, Room 0.49
Janin HenningNot available by telephone
Issuance of graduation documents and TAN lists
Tuesday01:00 p.m. - 03:00 p.m. (in person in the Service Center)
Thursday10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon (in person in the Service Center)
Additional Advising Services for Students in all Degree Programs
Sylvia Kühn
  • Advice and support for students with disadvantage compensation due to a disability or chronic illness
Available by telephone during the office hours indicated above.
Stephanie Kupke
  • Advising and support for students with disadvantages due to pregnancy or the care of children or dependents.
  • Advising and support for students with disadvantage compensation arising from membership in a national squad of a national sports federation of the German Olympic Sports Confederation.
Available by telephone during the office hours indicated above.

Sylvia Kühn and Stephanie Kupke substitute for each other in their consulting services if either one of them is absent.

Additional advising services:

Advising regarding studying with a disability
Advising regarding studying with care and nursing responsibilities

If you have complex questions regarding examination law, please contact:

Dr. Andrea Radcke, Director
E-mail: andrea.radckeuni-potsdamde

Postal Address

Universität Potsdam
Dezernat für Studienangelegenheiten
Studienbüro/ Prüfungsamt
Am Neuen Palais 10
14469 Potsdam