Scholarship Programs
Scholarship funding is available for highly motivated, high-performing and socially engaged students and doctoral candidates. Thirteen organizations for the support of young talent at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, as well as the Federal Ministry of the Interior, award scholarships to committed and talented students and doctoral candidates. Support includes financial and non-financial forms.
Studying with a Scholarship – Information Event in October 2025
Did you always want to know more about how to apply for a scholarship and the requirements to be met?
At this event you can meet scholarship recipients of well-known funding organizations and ask them about their experiences on the way to a scholarship. You might even decide to apply for a scholarship yourself after this event.
Date: October 6, 2025
Room: Campus Griebnitzsee, Building 06
Organizer: Central Student Advisory Service
First things first
How can I get a scholarship?
Information about scholarships and application materials can be found at the respective foundations. At the University of Potsdam, there are advisory services offered by the Division for Planning, Statistics, Research Affairs and Organization, the Central Student Advisory Service, the International Office, and the liaison lecturers. We recommend that you contact students who are currently receiving funding, perhaps via the liaison lecturers.
When is the right time to apply?
You should begin your scholarship application right at the beginning of your studies. As soon as you have been admitted to a degree program, you can send your application materials to the scholarship provider of your choice. At the latest, you should apply by the end of your second semester. It may be too late to do so after that point. This is because foundations typically want to support a student for as long as possible. At least 4 semesters should remain in your studies when you begin receiving your funding. This time often includes a master’s program or doctoral program directly afterwards. However, do not let this intimidate you! Please ask the scholarship provider if they deviate from these rules.
Where can I ask my questions about “Studying with a scholarship”?
If you have any questions on the subject of “Studying with a scholarship”, please feel free to contact the Central Student Advisory Service at studienberatunguuni-potsdampde. If you wish, we will also try to put you in touch with scholarship holders of specific foundations. In our experience, direct contact between current scholarship holders and applicants for a scholarship is a good way to get answers.
If you have already made the decision to apply for a scholarship with a specific foundation, you can, of course, also get in direct contact with those responsible for scholarship applications at the respective foundation (see the foundation links below). The foundations’ websites usually also provide contact information for the current group of scholarship holders.
Brandenburg Scholarship for Rural Teachers
Brandenburg wants to attract students who are completing their teaching certification to teach at Brandenburg schools that have a special need for fully-trained teachers. To this end, the Brandenburg Scholarship for Rural Teachers was established in 2021. After passing their state examination, students who receive support agree to teach in regions where teachers are urgently needed.
Students from all over Germany can apply from the start of their fifth semester. Applications can be submitted from January 15 until February 15 via the applicant portal on the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MBJS) for funding that begins in the summer semester and from June 15 until July 31 for the winter semester. Interested students who send an e-mail to Lehrerstipendiumumbjs.brandenburgpde with the keyword "Brandenburg scholarship" will receive a reminder and a link to the application portal on the day it opens.
The scholarship amounts to 600 euros per month for the duration of the remaining standard period of study. Scholarship holders are required to complete, among other things, an internship and the practical semester, as well as their preparatory service, in the specified schools with special needs in the state of Brandenburg, and then to work there as a teacher for at least as many school half-years as the scholarship was granted. The scholarship also includes a non-material part organized by the German Children and Youth Foundation (DKJS): special seminars and networking events, as well as a mentoring program in needy schools. Participation in these is mandatory.
You can find more information about the scholarship program on the pages of the Ministry of Education.
Scholarship tips for students with health impairments.
Few foundations specifically support the study of students in special life situations. The search in scholarship databases is often tedious. The "Deutsches Studentenwerk" has published a new overview of special funding opportunities for students with health impairments.
Scholarships from the University of Potsdam for doctoral students
The University of Potsdam awards both full-time scholarships and final scholarships for Ph.D. students. You can find deadlines for applications, application forms and further information here.
Foundations that provide funding
Aufstiegsstipendium für Berufserfahrene
The "Aufiegsstipendium" (Career Advancement Scholarship) is a funding program of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). It supports skilled workers with vocational training and at least two years of practical experience in pursuing a first higher education degree – either full-time or part-time while continuing to work. In addition to financial support, it also offers non-material support like seminars and regional groups.
The first step to securing a scholarship is an online application. You can submit your application before the start of your studies and up to the end of the second semester. School-leaving qualifications and school grades do not play a role. What matters is your performance in professional practice. Even those who have been part of the workforce for many years can apply.
You can find current application deadlines and detailed information at
The Avicenna-Studienwerk is the newest institute in Germany providing educational support; it was founded in July 2013 and is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The Studienwerk provides support to particularly promising Muslim students and doctoral candidates in all subject fields.
Further information can be found on:
The Cusanuswerk is an institute of the Catholic Church that provides support to university students and doctoral candidates in all subject fields, in the form of scholarships and extensive educational programs. Scholarship holders will strengthen their will to take on responsibility and will gain the capability to initiate dialogue between science and faith, between society and the church. Individuals can be recommended to the selection procedure; applicants can also submit independent applications.
Further information can be found on:
Liaison lecturer:
apl. Prof. Dr. Marie-Luise Raters
Faculty of Arts, Institute of Philosophy
Tel.: +49 331 977-1335 (Secretary: -1325)
Das Universitätsstipendium Potsdam
The University Scholarship Potsdam (USP) is awarded to high-performing students of the University of Potsdam within the framework of the Germany Scholarship Programme. The Germany Scholarship Programme is a study support programme, which was initiated by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The goal of this initiative is to develop a new scholarship culture in Germany. Talented students are supported, social commitment is recognized and at the same time students are made visible as potential specialists and managers.
One half of the scholarship is financed by foundations, companies or private individuals and the other half by the Federal Government (BMBF). Bachelor and Master students of all faculties thus receive 300€ per month. In addition to financial support, the scholarship offers the opportunity to network with sponsors and other scholarship holders.
Additional information at: The University Scholarship Potsdam (USP)
Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk
The Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (ELES) supports particularly talented Jewish students and doctoral candidates. This support is based on engagement and the opportunities that our scholarship holders wil have to develop themselves. We provide intellectual support to strengthen Jewish identity, awareness of responsibility, and the capacity for dialogue. Our scholarship holders are encouraged to help shape the future. Interdisciplinary ELES Colleges offer scholarship holders the opportunity to interact with international students and doctoral candidates from a wide array of fields and to reflect on current themes in the context of our religious traditions. Guest lectures and excursions round out the program.
Further information can be found on:
Evangelisches Studienwerk e. V. Villigst
Evangelisches Studienwerk e. V. Villigst (The Evangelisches Studienwerk) is an institute of the Protestant Church in Germany that provides scholarships to university students and doctoral candidates in all subject fields, whether they are from Germany or from the countries of the European Union. In addition to the scholarship, the Evangelisches Studienwerk provides advice, help with internships and professional considerations, and educational offers. Support is provided to young academics who bear outstanding qualifications in their field and who also want to take on social responsibility. Because the Studienwerk would like to support its scholarship holders as early as possible, and for as long as possible, applicants who are currently in their bachelor’s studies should submit their application no later than the end of their fourth semester. It is not possible to apply for funding that is limited only to a master’s degree program.
Further information can be found on:
Liaison lecturer:
Prof. Dr. Gerhard P. Püschel
Faculty of Science, Institute of Nutritional Science
Tel.: +49 33200 88-5694
E.W. Kuhlmann-Stiftung
The Hamburg-based E.W. Kuhlmann Foundation, which was established in 1997, has developed various programs to help students in their final phase of studies in keeping with its motto "Helping students help themselves."
With its "Studien-Abschluss-Preise" ("Study Completion Awards"), which are drawn by lot, students can receive a bonus for their bachelor's degree (500 euros) or master's degree (1,000 euros). Students may submit their application at
The "Study Completion Assistance" and the "Rolling Scholarship" provide funding in the form of interest-free loans for five or seven years. In addition, students in need of financial assistance can receive meal vouchers for the respective Association of Student Affairs through the "Freitisch" program. The Kuhlmann Foundation provides 100,000 euros exclusively for this purpose to support students at the University of Potsdam. With this financial support, the E.W. Kuhlmann Foundation wants to make sure that high-achieving students are not prevented from taking their upcoming final exams due to a lack of funds. 65,000 euros will be processed directly through applications to the E.W. Kuhlmann Foundation, while the remaining 35,000 euros will be at the direct disposal of the University of Potsdam for similar, purpose-oriented measures. Part of the money goes to the University of Potsdam's social fund, the other part of the money is used for Potsdam University Scholarships within the framework of the Germany Scholarship ("Deutschlandstipendium").
More information about the Kuhlmann Foundation is available here:
Applications for the Study Completion Awards can be submitted here:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (The Friedrich Ebert Foundation) is the oldest political foundation in Germany. The purpose of their student grant program is to mitigate social disadvantages and to promote people who are committed, now and in the future, to freedom, justice and social cohesion. Funding is granted to talented students and graduates who are dedicated to society and politics. Interested applicants should contact the Foundation directly.
Further information can be found on:
Liaison lecturer:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Köstler
Faculty of Arts, Department of Arts and Media
E-Mail: andreas.koestleruuni-potsdampde
Tel.: +49 331 977-4174
apl. Prof. Dr. Thomas von Winter
Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Social Sciences
Administration of the German Bundestag
Tel.: +49 30 227-37839
Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit
Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom) supports German and international students and graduates who have a liberal philosophy of life, whereby self-organization is a key concept in the Foundation’s support of young people.
Further information can be found on:
Liaison lecturer:
Dr. Elke-Vera Kotowski
Moses Mendelssohn Center for European-Jewish Studies
Tel.: +49 331 28094-12
Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (The Hans Böckler Foundation) is an institute of the German Trade Union Federation (DGB) that promotes co-determination, research and studies. The Foundation maintains an obligation to co-determination as a formal principle of a democratic society. Talented students and doctoral candidates in all fields who are committed to trade unions or social policy receive support.
Further information can be found on:
If you have any questions about applying for a scholarship from the Hans Böckler Foundation, please do not hesitate to contact Sarah Siegert, the current spokesperson for the HBS scholarship holders group in Potsdam.
Liaison lecturers:
Prof. Dr. Iris Baumgardt
Faculty of Human Sciences
apl. Prof. Dr. Gideon Botsch
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences and Moses Mendelssohn Center
Dr. Werner Treß
Moses Mendelssohn Center
Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung (The Hanns Seidel Foundation) is committed to providing intellectual and financial support for the cultivation of young academics who have high scientific and personal qualifications. Applications are welcome from students and doctoral candidates who have delivered above-average performances in their studies while being socially and politically engaged at the same time, and who act from a basic foundation of Christian social principles.
Further information can be found on:
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (The Heinrich Böll Foundation) supports students and graduates in all fields and of all nationalities. Fellows are expected to have outstanding performance, in their university studies or in their profession, to be engaged at the social and political level, and to have an active relationship with the Foundation’s basic values of ecology, non-violence, solidarity and democracy.
Further information can be found on:
Liaison lecturer:
apl. Prof. Dr. Gert Zöller
Faculty of Science, Institute of Mathematics
Tel.: +49 331 977-1175
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (The Konrad Adenauer Foundation) is dedicated, nationally and internationally, to supporting peace, freedom and justice by means of civic education. The Foundation’s aim is to support future elites and leaders who will assume responsibility in politics, business, science, the media, culture or society. The Foundation is oriented towards a conception of man that is shaped by Christian democratic notions of order and values.
Further Information can be found on:
Liaison lecturer:
Prof. Dr. Sönke Neitzel
Faculty of Arts
Department of History
Tel.: +49 331 977-4940
Otto-Benecke-Stiftung (The Otto Benecke Foundation) is a charitable organization that was founded in 1965 upon the initiative of the German Student Association at the Technical University of Berlin. The Foundation works on behalf of the German federal government. In the context of humanitarian educational aid, the Foundation performs integration activities for immigrants, quota refugees and foreigners entitled to asylum who want to begin or continue a course of higher education in the Federal Republic of Germany, or who are university graduates looking for employment opportunities that are equal to their qualifications.
Further information can be found on:
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation) understands itself as part of the intellectual foundation of democratic socialism. A comprehensive program of education facilitates the attainment of individual funding objectives as well as support for interdisciplinary dialogue. Independent applications are welcome.
Further information can be found on:
Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft
Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (The Foundation of the German Economy) supports students and doctoral candidates in all subjects who have leadership potential in the economy and society. The Foundation promotes personal initiative and creative drive. University students who are studying to become teachers receive special support in the “Preparatory College” program. Unsolicited applications are welcome.
Further information can be found on:
Liaison lecturer:
Prof. Dr. Katharina Wrohlich
Professur für Öffentliche Finanzen, Gender- und Familienökonomie
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (The German National Academic Foundation ) is Germany’s oldest and largest organization dedicated to promoted gifted students. According to the organization’s charter, it promotes “the university education of young people whose scholarly or artistic talents, and whose personality, permits us to expect special achievements in the service of the common good.” The Foundation’s funding program enables scientific specialization, interdisciplinary dialogue, openness to the world, and international experience. Selection and funding are done independently of political, ideological or religious concerns. Unsolicited applications are possible.
Further information can be found on:
Lead liaison lecturer:
Prof. Dr. Carsten Beta
Faculty of Science, Institute of Physics and Astronomy
E-Mail: biophysuuni-potsdampde
Tel.: +49 331 977-5651
Prof. Dr. Peter Saalfrank
Faculty of Science, Institute of Chemistry
Tel.: +49 331 977-5232
Prof. Dr. Anna H. Albrecht
Law Faculty
Tel.: +49 331 977-3783
Prof. Dr. Bert Arnrich
Digital Engineering Faculty
Tel.: +49 331 5509-4850
Prof. Dr. Felicitas Krämer
Faculty of Arts, Institute of Philosophy
Tel.: +49 331 977-1801
Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Rapp
Faculty of Human Science, Intra-Faculty Unit „Cognitive Science“, PhD in Medicine and Psychology
Tel.: +49 331 977-4095