Excellent academic supervision is a central element of the University of Potsdam's support for researchers in the early stages of their careers. This requires, on the one hand, intensive specialist supervision of PhD candidates by experienced academics with the aim of increasing independent research performance and, on the other hand, a transparent, structured support for PhD candidates that is tailored to individual circumstances. Excellent supervision not only creates the basis for high-quality doctoral degrees and outstanding research, it also makes a decisive contribution to a culture of support and trust, strengthens academic exchange and counteracts abuse of authority.
SUPERvisor Award - Nomination by PhD Candidates or Postdocs
Nomination possible from now until March 31, 2025
With the presentation of the SUPERvisor Award by Potsdam Graduate School (PoGS), the University of Potsdam aims to publicly recognize and honor the outstanding commitment and sustained support of supervisors for their PhD candidates. The SUPERvisor Award is intended to emphasize this important role of supervisors, increase the visibility of excellent supervision and encourage academics to set high standards in the supervision of researchers in the early stages of their careers. PhD candidates who have been admitted to doctoral studies at the University of Potsdam for at least two years, or postdocs who successfully completed their dissertation at the University of Potsdam less than a year ago, are cordially invited to nominate their supervisors for this award. Supervisors can be nominated in the two award categories University Supervision and Daily Supervision in the two fields of humanities and social sciences as well as health and natural sciences. Each Award is endowed with €3,000. Further information can be found in the call for nominations (see section “Documents for Download”)
Quality Criteria of the Potsdam Graduate School
In 2007, the Potsdam Graduate School, together with the faculties, was one of the first universities in Germany to develop transparent, structured and individualized quality criteria, including discipline-specific criteria, as minimum standards for PhD projects, both for individual and structured doctorates.
Individual Doctorates
Structured Doctorates
Links for download
- Call for Nominations SUPERvisor Award (PDF 140KB)
- Privacy policy SUPERvisor Award (PDF 191KB)
- Quality criteria of University of Potsdam (PDF 163KB)
- Dissertation agreement (DOC 73KB)

Contact person: Dr. Johannes Freudenreich
Dr. Johannes Freudenreich
WIS | Wissenschaftsetage, 4th floor
Am Kanal 47
14467 Potsdam

Contact person: Nadja Schubert
Nadja Schubert
Potsdam Graduate School
WIS | Wissenschaftsetage, 4th floor
Am Kanal 47
14467 Potsdam