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Machine Learning in R

Traget group: PhD candidates and Postdoctoral researchers
Language: English
Duration of the program: 2 modules, 3 days each

The program starts in October/November 2024. Further information and the exact dates will be available here shortly. (Don't miss anything and sign up for the list of interested people at the bottom of the page!)

Programmtexte im Hintergrund mit einem großen Buchstaben R im Vordergrund.
Photo: AdobeStock

Program Overview

The "Machine Learning in R" program consists of two consecutive modules of three workshop days each.
The first module of the program, "Data Analysis with R", teaches you the basics of R, including a technical introduction to R syntax. You will learn the most important concepts and terms in statistics and data analysis and how to carry out first exploratory and inferential statistical analyses in R. This course is suitable for participants with no knowledge of R or to refresh the basics in R.
The second module, „Machine Learning in R“, covers fundamental concepts and advanced techniques in machine learning. You will learn to train and evaluate supervised learning models, explore various supervised ML algorithms and gain practical skills in interpreting complex machine learning algorithms.
If you are really experienced in R, don’t worry: We’ll have extra spots only for the Machine Learning module.

Further information and the exact dates will be available here shortly.


Intrested in the program?

We will be pleased to inform you as soon as a new call for applications begins and keep you up to date on program news.

*"Please enter the result of the math question here."
Porträt Dr. Maja Starke-Liebe

Contact: Dr. Maja Starke-Liebe


Potsdam Graduate School
WIS | Wissenschaftsetage, 4. Floor
Am Kanal 47
14467 Potsdam