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Research Management & Leadership

Management Skills for Research and University

Traget group: Postdocs, Junior and Tenure Track Professors
Language: English
Duration of the program: 5 months

Next call for applications is expected to take place in September/October 2025.

Teaserbild für das Programm Research Management and Leadership. Verschiedene Hände greifen ein Puzzleteil.
Picture: PoGS|Adobe Stock

Program overview

The program Research Management & Leadershipequips postdocs, junior and tenure track professors with fundamental and research-relevant methods and instruments of management. In four workshop units, participants learn to strengthen their leadership, communication and project management skills. The topic funding is included as its own workshop. The program’s main idea is to go beyond general management principles by considering the nature of academic research, comprehensively bridging the gap between management skills on the one hand and research projects on the other hand.

Program goals

  • Learning the basics of efficient projectmanagement
  • Strengthen communication and conflict resolution skills
  • Getting to know how to successfully acquire external funding
  • Strengthen leadership and team skills

André Meyer, participant 2023

“I really benefitted from the broad range of topics that were covered in the program – especially the workshops on writing grant proposals and communication strategies.”

Conditions of participation & Additional information

The program is aimed at Postdocs, Junior and Tenure Track Professors of all scientific disciplines. Please note your status as one of the following:

  • University of Potsdam
  • Partner institutions
  • External

The participation fee depends on your status. For further information please refer to the current announcement.

Free childcare available during participation of the in-person workshops.


Please submit the following application documents during the application period:

  • Online registration
  • CV
  • Letter of motivation
  • Short description of your research project (max 0.5 pages)
  • Preliminary confirmation of participation
  • If applicable coverage of costs

Are you interested in this program?

We will be pleased to inform you as soon as a new call for applications begins and keep you up to date on program news.

*"Please enter the result of the math question here"
Porträt Dr. Maja Starke-Liebe

Contact person: Dr. Maja Starke-Liebe


Potsdam Graduate School
WIS | Wissenschaftsetage, 4. Floor
Am Kanal 47
14467 Potsdam