Career Talk
PhD`s and postdocs meet experts from the fields of economy, science, industry, politics and civil society. The Career Talks take 60-90 minutes and are open to all interested persons.
We invite you to inform you about diverse professional fields and career opportunities for scientists. You will gain exclusive insights into current trends and topics in various industries. The speakers will talk about their personal experiences and professional challenges.
Take the chance and get in touch with the experts and other scientists.
Career Talks - Archive
- "Courageous, bold, and creative: Be ready for the unexpected", Dietrich Wolf Fenner, Museum of Communication Berlin (November 2023)
- "My career path from scientist to managing director of one of Germany's largest biotechnology parks", Dr. Christina Quensel (April 2023)
- "From science to start-up - Ina Henkel and her path as a PhD nutritionist to a successful businesswoman", Dr. Ina Henkel (June 2022)
- "My way to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Helena Schulte to Bühne" (March 2022)
- "Mikropolitik in der Wissenschaft", Dr. Veronika Fuest (November 2021)
- "Diversity-Kompetenz als Lehr- und Forschungshaltung? Perspektivenvielfalt in der praktischen Umsetzung“, Jennifer Scholl (May 2021)
- "Resilienz – Innere Stärke und Gelassenheit in turbulenten Zeiten", Dr. Merlinda Dalipi (March 2021)

Contact person: Dr. Kerstin Hille
Dr. Kerstin Hille
Potsdam Graduate School
WIS | Wissenschaftsetage, 4th floor
Am Kanal 47
14467 Potsdam