On this page, you will find the current third-party funded projects involving the Potsdam Graduate School (PoGS).
QUADRIGA is the Berlin-Brandenburg Data Competence Center for Digital Humanities and Administrative Science. Under the coordination of the PoGS, resources for the confident handling of data in everyday research are to be created for three data types: text, table and moving image.
The DigiUGov project aims to improve the institutional support of academic staff for digital teaching, the exchange of resources and training, and the digitization of university administration in Latin American and European higher education institutions. PoGS has developed a digital teaching course for the project together with the Institute for the Future of Education at TEC de Monterrey, Mexico.
Further information on the project can be found here: DigiUGov
CAVAS+ aims to use AI to improve the processes involved in describing, validating and interpreting study regulations. As part of the program, PoGS has developed a course for a fundamental understanding of artificial intelligence for science, which has received additional funding from the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg.

Contact person: Dr. Johannes Freudenreich
Dr. Johannes Freudenreich
WIS | Wissenschaftsetage, 4th floor
Am Kanal 47
14467 Potsdam

Contact person: Dr. Bettina Buchholz
Dr. Bettina Buchholz
Potsdam Graduate School
WIS | Wissenschaftsetage, 4th floor
Am Kanal 47
14467 Potsdam