Research Integrity
The Potsdam Graduate School sees itself as a driving force in the field of research integrity. We want to raise awareness and show the facets of research integrity. On the one hand, it serves to safeguard your personal integrity and, on the other, to protect your academic accomplishments, thus your reputation and ultimately your career.
What is research integrity and why is it so important?
"Arts and sciences, research and teaching shall be free" is enshrined in Article 5 (3) of the German Constitution and is a great privilege that must be protected by all researchers and teachers. Therefore, trust is essential in science. The most important principles of scientific integrity are honesty, transparency/reliability, respect for colleagues and responsibility towards society.
Throughout the research process, negligence in dealing with the principles of science can lead to misconduct. Consequently, it is important for everyone involved in the research process to be informed and sensitized as well as to reflect and communicate appropriately. Each individual is responsible for their own actions.
What applies at the University of Potsdam and who can be contacted in this regard?
Based on the guidelines for good scientific practice of the German Research Foundation (DFG), the University of Potsdam published its new version of the statutes on "Self-regulation in science - regulation of good scientific practice" in February 2022.
If you are looking for contact persons for academic integrity, you will find the respective ombudspersons at each faculty of the University of Potsdam as well as the ombudsperson for academic misconduct and persons of trust at the various university locations. Of course, we as the PoGS team are also available to you as contact persons. The Ombudsman for Science of the German Research Foundation acts as committee supporting all scientists in Germany with their questions and conflicts in the area of scientific integrity. If you have questions about research data, it is worth taking a look at the University of Potsdam's research data management website.
The following links will give you an overview of the most important information and contact persons for safeguarding good scientific practice at the University of Potsdam.

Contact person: Dr. Bettina Buchholz
Dr. Bettina Buchholz
Potsdam Graduate School
WIS | Wissenschaftsetage, 4th floor
Am Kanal 47
14467 Potsdam