Science Communication
Transfer of expert knowledge to society
Traget group: PhD candidates and Postdoctoral researchers
Language: German
Duration of the program: 9 month
The program is offered in rotation with the "Science Management" program. Next call for "Science Communication" is expected in 2026.
Program Overview
Nowadays science communication is part of the regular tasks of scientists. It is increasingly finding its way into society. The transfer of expert knowledge as task of science communication is more important than ever. The enormous influence of the internet, digitalisation and social media should not be underestimated. Digital and social media have an important function as additional communication channels between science and society. This aspect is changing the way scientists work and requires extended skills.
Program goals
The workshops in the Science Communication program aim to provide participants with a basic and diversified knowledge that is adapted to the specifics of science.
Themes of the program:
- Introduction to science communication
- Visualization of scientific data
- Media training
- Legal issues in science communication
- Online journalism and multimedia storytelling
- Scientific policy advice
The workshops are complemented by an e-learning module of the National Institute for Science Communication (NaWik). At the end of the program, the participants independently create a communication measure of their own choice.
Conditions of participation & Additional information
The program is aimed at phd candidates and postdocs of all scientific disciplines. Please note your status as one of the following:
- University of Potsdam
- Partner institutions
- External
The participation fee depends on your status. For further information please refer to the current announcement.
Free childcare available during participation in program workshops.

Contact person: Nadja Schubert
Nadja Schubert
Potsdam Graduate School
WIS | Wissenschaftsetage, 4th floor
Am Kanal 47
14467 Potsdam