Yentl Love
- Ongoing – Classics PhD Universität Potsdam
Researching the cult of Bacchus in Late Republican and Early Imperial Rome through the lens of Queer Theory, with a focus on gender and sexuality - 2019-2020
Classics and Ancient History M.A. University of Exeter
Produced thesis on Dionysus, gender, and Queer Theory in Late Classical Greece - 2016-2019
Ancient History B.A. Cardiff University
Forschungsschwerpunkte und Interessengebiete
- Gender and Gender Deviance in Antiquity
- History of Sex and Sexuality
- Ancient Religious Experience
- Literary Theory and Classics with a focus on Queer Theory
- Classical Reception
- 2023:
SCS/AIA Conference, New Orleans: Presented on Bacchus, Queer Theory, and Transgender history.
AMPAH Conference, Malta: Presenting on the music of Lil Nas X and Classical Reception through the lens of Queer Theory and Black Classicism.
- 2022:
“Actus Queer-us: Queerness and Our Discipline”, Kings College London: Presented alongside leading queer academics on Classical Queerness and the importance of platforming Queer Theory and Queer Studies within Classical Disciplines.
- 2021:
SASA & Digital Hammurabi Virtual Conference: Presented on Inclusivity and the Classics, with a focus on LGBT+ sexualities.
Academus Education LGBT+ History Month Digital Thinktank: Presented a paper titled “Dionysus the Womanlike: Deconstructing the Gender Binary in Academia”
- ‘LGBT+ Lives in Ancient Greece’ in The LGBT+ History Book: Big Ideas, Simply Explained. DK 2023 (forthcoming)