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Dr. Pasquale Ferrara

Dr. Pasquale Ferrara

Lehrbeauftragter an der Professur Geschichte des Altertums


Campus am Neuen Palais
Haus 11, Raum 1.16


Dienstags 15–16 Uhr, zur Zeit nur online.


  • seit 01/2024: Postdoktorand am PRIN Projekt 2022 #EtiamEgo, Università degli Studi di Torino
  • seit 04/2022: Doktorand am Lehrstuhl Geschichte des Alterums.
  • 09/2018: Professional Development Seminar Cycle – Museum Curator ; UdK - Universität der Künste Berlin/Berlin Career College, Berlin.
  • 06/2012: Promotion Klassische Archöologie, Seconda Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Rom.
  • 10/2007: MA Klassische Archäologie, Seconda Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Rome.
  • 10/2005:  BA Klassische Philologie, Università di Napoli Federico II, Neapel.

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Forschungsschwerpunkte und Interessengebiete

  • Gender and Women Studies
  • Rezeption aus der Antike
  • Religionsgeschichte
  • Klassische Archäologie
  • Antike Bildhauerei

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  •  Mainàs. Studi sulle menadi nella statuaria greca e romana (IRAW, 8), Roma 2020.



  • Il paesaggio sacro dei rituali menadici tra Grecia e Roma: trasformazioni e manipolazioni, Experiencing the Landscape in Antiquity 3 (2024), 361–366.
  • Baccanti ebbre e ninfomani tra la fine della Repubblica e la prima età imperiale, Graeco-Latina Brunensia 28, 1 (2023), 19–31.
  • Il cratere di Europa di Assteas,  Archeologia Classica 40, 10 (2009), 353–368.


Rezensionen und Tagungsberichte

  • Pagan Pornotopias? The Reception of Antiquity in Eroticism and Pornography: Madrid, 27 – 29 September 2023, Cronache - Bollettino di studi latini LIV, I (2023), 143.
  • John Boardman, A Classical Archaeologist’s Life: The Story so Far. An Autobiography, Anabases 37 (2023), 364–368.
  • Reading History in the Roman Empire, Thersites 16 (2023), 178–183.


Weitere Publikationen

  • Menadi e baccanti. Donne e riti dionisiaci in Grecia e a Roma, Roma 2024.

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  • 04–06.09.2024: Physical Dionysian Pluralities: Maenadic Bodies over Time – Panel 21: Ancient Female Bodies in Reception. Embodied Histories: Cultural History of, in, and through the Human Body 16th Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History 04.-06. September 2024 – University of Potsdam, Germany.
  • 09–12 .07.2024: Maenads, Eros, and Otherness: Unveiling the Multifaceted Sexuality of the Dionysian Feminine, Celtic Conference in Classics, 2024 Cardiff University 9-12 July Panel: Tearing a God Apart: New Approaches to Dionysus
  • 18–19.04.2024 The Dionysian Feminine and the Sacred Authority of Historical Maenads. International Conference Oslo, 18-19.04.2024 Deciphering Female Figures in Greek Myth and Ritual
  • 21–22.03.2024: Von Menos zu Tryphe: die semantischen Veränderungen der Mänade zwischen klassischem Griechenland, Hellenismus und Rom, NDAW 2024, Göttingen.
  • 19.10.2023:  Lo slittamento semantico delle menadi nell’arte figurativa greco-romana: dal menos bacchico alla tryphe dionisiaca, Padova, Musei Civici degli Eremitani, Museo Archeologico.
  • 29–31.05.2023: Il paesaggio sacro dei rituali menadici tra Grecia e Roma. Experiencing the Landscape in Antiquity 3 – III Convegno Internazionale di Antichità Classiche Università degli Studi di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’.
  • 23.05.2023: Le menadi greche: una ricezione intricata. DAFNE. Divino al femminile. Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere – Università di Pisa.
  • 09–10-12.2022: Contemporary Maenads. AIMS Antiquity in Media Studies – Annual International Online Conference December.
  • 14–16.11.2022: La retorica della baccante. Laetae segetes – VIII International Ph.D. Student Conference November.

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