Master’s Degree Studies at the University of Potsdam

Are you planning to obtain a further qualification by continuing your studies after your bachelor's degree or other first degree? A master's degree could be the right choice for you. On the following pages you will find concrete information about both the contents of the master's degree programs for different subjects as well as the formalities of how to apply to a master's program at our university.
Which Master's Programs are available?
At the University of Potsdam you can choose from a wide selection of subjects for a master's degree. There are three basic categories of degree programs.
Master’s Degree Programs from A to Z
- Philosophie | Master
- Physik | Master
- Physik | Teaching Degree for Secondary Education Stages I and II | Master
- Politikwissenschaft | Master
- Politische Bildung | Teaching Degree for Secondary Education Stages I and II | Master
- Polnisch | Lehramt Sekundarstufen I und II | Master
- Polymer Science | Master
- Psychologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie | Master
- Psychologie mit den Schwerpunkten Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie oder Kognition und Verhalten | Master
- Psychologische Bildungsforschung | Master
- Public Health, Exercise and Nutrition | Master
Master's Degree Programs According to Subject Group
Educational and Cognitive Sciences
Humanities, Cultural Studies and Theology
Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Sciences
Economics, Social Sciences and Law
- Rechtswissenschaft | Magister Legum
(Graduate program for foreign graduates)