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Research projects

Current projects

TopoToolbox 3

The DFG-funded project aims to further develop TopoToolbox, a program library for the analysis of digital elevation models. It is built according to the FAIR principles for research software.

Material dynamics in the polders of the Lower Oder Valley National Park

Analysis of the salinization dynamics of the soils of the Oder floodplains. Contact: Lena Heinrich

With suitcase and backpack to more SOIL awareness

The aim is to develop a prototype equipped with materials for a ground suitcase (SOIL-aware) and a backpack (terrain/direct ground contact - SOIL contact). Contact Beate Gall

BioWaWi AI

Potentials of using artificial intelligence to preserve biodiversity and ecosystem services in protected areas of water management

DIWA: sub-project DIWA-3D

Digital, networked and interactive water quality monitoring, a concept for autonomous early warning systems for water protection:in-situ and online monitoring with 2D/3D multi-sensor systems (DIWA-3D)


Carbon stocks of agricultural land in Brandenburg (Multivariate statistical analysis and modelling at different scales)

ViWaT Engineering - Vietnam Water Technologies

Development of sustainable measures to secure the groundwater and land resources of the Camau Peninsula in the south of Vietnam

BioWaWi - Biodiversity and Water Management

Development of innovative options for action for companies in water management to preserve biodiversity and ecosystems



Indo-German Cooperation Project: Forecasting Natural Hazards in the Himalayan Region


Integrated monitoring technologies for assessing ecological risks from sediment resuspension events using the example of Lake Taihu in China


Sustainability assessment and management of resource efficiency in the neighbourhood in the context of sustainable urban development

Completed projects


Sustainable and climate adapted water management in mining of Namibia and neighbouring countries

Illuminating the speed of sand

Illuminating the speed of sand

How much time does a grain of sand need to travel from its place of origin in the mountains to the depositional areas in the oceans?