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Research topic

Research topic landscape management

The Working Group Landscape Management is dedicated to current issues of climate impact and adaptation, biodiversity conservation and nature conservation. Multifunctional, ecosystem-based solutions and institutional frameworks that support sustainable solutions are the focus of our research.

In addition to methodological developments, our research is characterised by applied questions as well as the conception, evaluation and support of practical implementation projects. Accordingly, we work closely with practical partners from a wide range of sectors, in particular local authorities.

Methodologically, we use quantitative empirical and model-based analyses, which we often combine with participative methods - online and offline. Other frequently used methods include geodata- and GIS-based landscape analyses as well as nature conservation planning and evaluation methods. Currently, our regional focus is on urban areas, mountain and coastal regions in Brandenburg, Germany, Africa (Zanzibar) and Asia (Himalaya).

Research topic landscape management