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Research projects

Current projects

Creating and maintaining a global GLOF database

We systematically compile the only available global database on historic glacier lake outburst floods (GLOFs).

Rock avalanache onto Lamplugh Glacier, September 2022, Photo by Georg Veh

Large Landslides in a Changing World

We leverage a global catalog of large landslides compiled from openly accessible modern inventories to predict and explore the the legacy of large landslides and their interaction a changing world.

A landslide in the Philippines. Source:

Analysis of Multi-Hazard Events in Tropical Regions

We aim at understanding, detecting, and modelling the coupled or cascading hazards including landslides, hillslope debris flows, flash floods, and channelized debris flows in the Tropics.

Kliniklini Glacier (Photo: John J. Clague)

Glaciers, lakes, and outburst floods: Changing hazards in the NW Pacific Coastal Mountains (REACT)

We are investigating how climate change is affecting glacier melt and associated natural hazards in the coastal mountains in NW North America (Alaska and British Columbia).

Landsliding by Biomass Surcharge and Wind Disturbance in Patagonian Rainforests (RETROGRESS)

We are investigating the influence of biomass surcharge and wind exposure as trigger mechanism for landsliding in Coastal Rainforest of Patagonia (Chile).

Earthquake Hydrology

Earthquake Hydrology

Why and how do some streams respond to earthquakes while other don’t? In order to explore seismo-hydrological process responses to earthquakes, we develop and apply physics-based models.



How do trees respond to natural disturbances? In collaboration with the GFZ, we explore tree growth responses to disturbances, such as earthquakes, using stable isotopes and wood micro wood anatomy.

Ecogeomorphology under disturbance

Ecogeomorphology under disturbance

What are the geomorphic impacts and the effects of volcanic eruptions on the terrestrial organic carbon cycle? We explore these and other questions using remote sensing data, field work, and modeling.

Completed projects

Geophysical investigations of debris flows

Geophysical investigations of debris flows in SW-Germany

We use near-surface geophysics and geomorphology tools to assess the susceptibility of small catchments to debris flows in the surroundings of Braunsbach, Germany.

Evolving risks from Himalayan glacial lake outburst floods

Evolving risks from Himalayan glacial lake outburst floods

We numerically model the 2012 glacial lake outburst flood in the Seti River, Pokhara, with standard step methods. We use such simulations for future GLOF scenarios and hazard assessment.

The role of mass wasting in glacial forelands of the Andes

We explore the deposition of large landslide in the low-gradient glacial foreland of Patagonia. We are trying to unravel timing and mechanisms with respect to the paraglacial landscape evolution.

Projektname 3

Learning to predict rainfall-triggered landslides

We use machine learning and numerical modelling to understand how rainfall impacts the spatial pattern of landsliding and improve our ability to predict landslide hazard.

Hazard from Himalayan glacier lake outburst floods (GLOFs)

Hazard from Himalayan glacier lake outburst floods

We detect catastrophic outburst floods from moraine-dammed lakes in the Himalayas from satellite images. We estimate the frequency of GLOFs to quantify the regional GLOF hazard.