Strategies for the development of pyrophobic and climate change resilient forests on forest fire areas
Project promoter:
BMEL (Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft),
FNL (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe),
BMU (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit)
04/2020 - 04/2025
Project description:
The hot and dry summers of the past few years brought many large forest fires, especially in Brandenburg, which destroyed large areas of forest. As part of the project network "Strategies for the development of pyrophobic and climate change resilient forests on forest fire areas - PYROPHOB", various Brandenburg research institutions (including the University of Potsdam, HfNE Eberswalde, BTU Cottbus, Thünen Institute, Senckenberg German Entomological Institute) want to work together with practice partners to understand how fire areas develop after the fire. The overall project is coordinated by the University for Sustainable Development (HfNE) in Eberswalde.
On the part of the University of Potsdam, PD Dr. Thilo Heinken (Institute of Biochemistry and Biology), as well as Dr. Arlena Brosinsky and Dr. Till Francke (Institute of Environmental Sciences and Geography) are involved. They will focus on vegetation development, the application of remote sensing methods and the development of soil moisture.
The BMEL and BMU ministries are funding the project for five years. Using permanent observation plots near Jüterbog and Treuenbrietzen (southern Brandenburg), the fire history will be analysed and the potential and effectiveness of regeneration processes in the ecosystem will be recorded in order to formulate recommendations for action for dealing with fire-damaged areas.
Cooperation partner:
- BTU Cottbus
- Centre for Econics and Ecosystem Management
- HfNE Eberswalde (coordination of the overall project)
- State Competence Centre for Forestry Eberswalde (LFE)
- Natural Forest Academy
- Senckenberg German Entomological Institute
- Brandenburg Natural Landscapes Foundation
- Thünen Institute for Forest Genetics
Photo impressions of the forest fire areas near Jüterborg, Brandenburg: