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March 2024: Project Kick-Off Meeting in Namibia with local partners and stakeholders

NamTip’s researchers met from 4th to 6th March in Windhoek, Namibia, to collectively reflect on and discuss the results achieved so far and the forthcoming activities outlined for the project’s second phase (which is running from September 2023 to August 2025).

Two days of intense exchange on planned research activities, joint publications, and protocols for data sharing within the consortium were followed by a Stakeholder Workshop. Here, members of Namibian research institutions, rangeland experts, policy makers, freehold and communal farmers actively engaged in discussions centered around NamTip’s preliminary findings on desertification tipping points. Moreover, stakeholders provided feedback on the research plans for Phase II, which primarily addresses the interlinked socio-ecological tipping point dynamics, by adding a focus on bush encroachment as well as on rangeland restoration measures. These themes were further explored through focused small group discussions on the topics of “Climate change impacts on rangeland management” and of “Scenarios of future rangeland management and restoration strategies”. 

A summary of the Stakeholder Workshop discussions can be found here (PDF, 1.183 KB)

Overall, the meeting was very successful and the close interaction between NamTip researchers and local stakeholders will ensure that the project goals and outcomes are geared to the problems and needs on site.
