Ulrike Lucke
Campus Golm
House 70
Room 1.09
University of Potsdam
Department of Computer Science
An der Bahn 2
14476 Potsdam
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ulrike Lucke
Curriculum Vitae
- Degree in Computer Science (1999),
PHD (2006),
Habilitation for Dr.-Ing. habil. (2011)
at the University of Rostock - Scientific assistant (1999-2006) bzw.
Scientific assistant/PostDoc (2006-2010)
at the chair for computer architecture at the University of Rostock - parental leave three times in between
- since 2010 Professor of Complex and Applied Multimedial Architectures
at the Department of Computer Science
at the University of Potsdam
Scientific Functions
- 2008-2014 speaker of the SIG E-Learning of the German Informatics society
- from 2014 elected member of the presiding committe of the German Informatics society
- 2011-2016 member of the executive board of the Konrad-Zuse-Gesellschaft
- 2014-2016 advisor for technology and development of the HIS eG
- 2010-2018 Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the University of Potsdam
- from 2016 vice-chairman of the Hochschul-CIO e.V.
Research interests
- interoperability of heteregeneous architectures
- mobile und pervasive applications
- infrastructures for e-learning, e-science and e-administration
- 2017 appointed as a Fellow of the Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft
- 2016 Teaching Award by the Federal State of Brandenburg (together with Alexander Knoth)
- 2015 Innovation Award for Information and Communiction Structures in Research and Teaching
- since taking up office in Potsdam
- older publications
- Activities like conferences, workshops or journals