Axel P. Wiepke, M. Sc.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Teamleitung Anwendungen
Campus Golm
Haus 70
Raum 1.11
Universität Potsdam
Institut für Informatik und
Computational Science
An der Bahn 2
14476 Potsdam
Curriculum Vitae
Axel Wiepke studied at the University of Potsdam to become a teacher for the upper secondary school level with computer science as his first subject and physics as his second subject. After completing his Bachelor's thesis in mathematics, he followed his more theoretical interests and switched to the Master of Science program in Computational Science. With the practical school insights from his teaching career, he worked at the Chair of Complex Multimedia Application Architectures initially in the conceptual design and software development for web applications. As a research assistant , Axel Wiepke is now active in teaching and research with a focuses on the field of virtual reality. He is also the founder and main developer of Teach-R in cooperation with educational research, history didactics, chemistry didactics and didactics of Romance languages.
Research Interests
The main interest of Axel Wiepke is the theoretical part of software-engineering. He improves his skills with focus on elegant and efficient technologies. Furthermore he is interested in coding-theory and similar abstract topics.