Project Overview
We investigate educational technologies from an empirical-analytical as well as from a design-oriented perspective. In doing so, we combine different disciplinary perspectives against the background of socio-technical complexity. Our projects can be assigned to three levels:
- Socio-technical Context
- Applications
- Institutional infrastructures
Our ongoing and finished research and practice projects at these three levels are listed below.
running projects:
- BB-KI Chips - Brandenburg / Bayern Aktion für KI-Hardware
(2021-2025, BMBF, 340T€)
- TrainDL - Teacher training for Data Literacy & Computer Science competences
(2021-2024, EU Erasmus+, 251T€)
finished projects:
- Open-U
(2019-2023, EU Erasmus+, 341T€)
- miiConsent
(2019-2020, BMBF, 208T€)
- ComplexEthics
(2017-2020, BMBF, 290T€)
- Digital Learning Transfer Fellowship
(2018, Stifterverband, 7T€)
running projects:
- VReiraum
(2022-2023, Stiftung Innovation Hochschullehre, 56T€)
- X-Teach-VR - Fächerübergreifender Unterricht im VR-Klassenzimmer
(2022-2023, Stiftung Innovation Hochschullehre, 118T€)
- Teach-R
(ehemals VR-Klassenzimmer)
- Theorie-Praxis-Vernetzung im Studieneingang Informatik
(2022-2023, Lehrinnovation, 27T€)
- FoLD - Forschen | Lernen - Digital
(2019-2022, BMBF, 1,1M€)
DigiMix-PA - Wissensbasierter Präzisionspflanzenbau in einem Mischbetrieb (2022-2025, BML, 268T€)
finished projects:
- HandLeVR - Handlungsorientiertes Lernen in der VR-Lackierwerkstatt
(2019 - 2021, BMBF, 455T€)
- VR-Labor-Klassenzimmer
(2021-2022, Lehrinnovation, 37T€)
- Ge | teilte Werte
(2020-2021, Lehrinnovation, 37T€)
- FideS - Forschendes Lernen in der Studieneingangsphase
(2015-2020, BMBF, 260+183T€)
- Tactile Web
(2018-2019, BMWi, 175T€)
- Emotisk - Emotionssensitive Trainingssysteme für soziale Kognition
(2015-2018, BMBF, 519T€)
- GRANT - Grafische Anwendungen auf taktilen Displays
(2015-2017, BMWi, 175T€)
- MOTIVATE - Mobile Training via Adaptive Technologies
(2013-2014, BMWi, 175T€)
running projects:
- SFB 1294 - Data Assimilation
Infrastrukturprojekt Z03 (2021-2026, DFG)
- Bildungsraum Digital (BIRD)
(2021-2025, BMBF, 7.5M€)
- E-Assessment
(2019-2023, Hochschulvertrag, 1.4M€)
- Inno-UP
(2018-2022, BMBF, 650T€)
finished projects:
- eLiS - e-Learning in Studienbereichen
im Qualitätspakt Lehre (2011-2020, BMBF, 5M€)
- Web-basierter Speicherdienst
(2014, EFRE, 60T€)
- Verbesserung der Studienbedingungen für Studierende mit Behinderung
(2013-2014, EFRE, 160T€)
- Medienbildung in der LehrerInnenbildung
(2013-2014, EFRE, 538T€)