The learning game RouteMe demonstrates how the demand for innovative and mobile usable learning materials can be covered specifically for university education and training. The mobile, pervasive game introduces students to the topic of routing in ad-hoc networks . It complements traditional lectures on computer networks with an interactive experience and deepens the lecture content in a playful manner.
For the game, the players are divided into two groups . The players of the first group send data packages over a network of mobile nodes. The players of the second group are these mobile nodes.
The players of the node group play outdoors. They utilize GPS and web-enabled smartphones to simulate beeing a network node. Each of these nodes create links to other nodes / players within their own communication range, depending on the actual distance of the players. In addition, each node has its own virtual battery life and becomes inactive when the battery is discharged.
The sender group is responsible for sending data packages over the MANET thats simulated by the other group. This group plays with PCs or laptops (e.g. in the classroom ) and has an overview of the dynamic network . RouteMe confronts the players constantly with packages to be routed between the nodes .
Depending on the progress of the students, the difficulty of RouteMe can be increased in 3 levels .

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ulrike Lucke
Campus Golm
Haus 70
Raum 1.09
Universität Potsdam
Institut für Informatik und
Computational Science
An der Bahn 2
14476 Potsdam