Moodle-Plug-in: Accessibility of Documents
In order to read digital documents, students with physical impairments must decide whether they can capture them with their assitive equipment or with the aid of assistents. If the potential barriers are known in advance, appropriate support can be provided.
In a student project and its further development inclusively documentary work, a Moodle plug-in was developed, which offers information on the accessibility of PDF documents visualized via a traffic light system. The test criteria are defined by an individual user profile.
In addition, the course leader is supported in the creation of accessible documents by providing information on the elimination of barriers.
The evaluation of the plug-in confirmed the practicability of the approach and provided suggestions for improvement for further development.
Source files including installation instructions:

Dipl.-Inf. Francis Zinke
Campus Griebnitzsee
House 4
Room 1.22
University of Potsdam
Department of Computer Science
August-Bebel-Straße 89
14482 Potsdam