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Jan Bernoth, M.Sc


Campus Golm
Haus 70
Raum 1.08

Universität Potsdam
Institut für Informatik und
Computational Science
An der Bahn 2
14476 Potsdam


consulting hours
Jederzeit sofern die Tür offen steht

Scientific Curriculum Vitae

  • since 03.2023 Scientific Staff in NFDIxCS
  • 01.2023 - 05.2023 Scientific Staff at the chair and part of the first funding phase to create the Datenkompetenzzentrums QUADRIGA
  • 2018–2022 Scientific Staff in the project Innovative Hochschule; Research data, – software and information to the project:  10.17605/OSF.IO/U9H23
  • 2017 Master of Science degree (Computational Science) at the Freie Universität Berlin
  • 2012 Bachelor of Science degree (Economic Computer Science) at University of Potsdam

Research Interest

  • digital tools to support Open Science and Scholarship
  • Research Data/Software Management
  • Research Software Engineering
  • Data Analytics
  • exploratory data visualization
  • PhD Project: WiKoDa (german acronym from "WissenschaftsKommunikationsDashboard"; Science Communication Dashboard) (Demo with dummy data)(Repository Backend)(Repository Frontend)

Community Activities

Program Co-Chair

  • deRSE24: Conference for Research Software Engineering in Germany


  • CoRDI: Conference on Research Data Infrastructure


  • since 2023 Founding member of the Fachgruppe RSE within the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
  • since 2020 Founding member of 01. RFC Berlin
  • since 2019 Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
  • 2014 - 2015 Member of the Team FUmanoids

Events (Organisation)
